Voltage WordPress is a clean minimalist wordpress theme for the creative individual, agency or creative blogger. It is built using HTML5 and CSS3 technology and offers a responsive design so that work can be showcased not only on a computer but also on the go on a tablet or mobile device! With a wide range of shortcodes, a multitude of options and page templates it becomes very easy to customize the theme to your identity.
Main Features
- A Fully Responsive WordPress Theme – Adapts to your users’ devices, from large computer screens to mobiles.
- Tons of layout possibilities using page templates, layout options and shortcodes.
- Select between 15+ Google Fonts
- Homepage supports:
- Creation of 15+ different layouts
- Featured content:
- Full-Width Slider with Touch Swipe Support
- or Full-Width Featured Image
- or Featured Video
- or Fixed-width Slider
- or Fixed-width Image
- or Fixed-width Video
- Recent Projects (easily set whether to display or not)
- Recent Posts (easily set whether to display or not)
- Regular blog (no front-page)
- Foundry – Theme Options Panel that allows you to set sitewide settings
- Fully Widget Ready
- Post Types and Templates:
- Page with sidebar
- Full-width Page
- Post with sidebar
- Full-width Post
- Portfolio Index
- Portfolio Page
- 2 different Blog Index layouts
- Contact Page with AJAX Contact Form
- Vimeo, YouTube, and FlowPlayer support
- Full Localisation Support (POT file included)
- Supports all major browsers:
- IE7 – 9
- Firefox
- Chrome
- Safari
- Opera
- PSDs for every page
- Well documented