Force is multifunctional and rich featured template. The widgetized mainpage let’s you populate the frontpage however you like. The portfolio supports videos
This theme includes some incredible artworks by elliot.m.hasse check out his work on creattica
The ZickZack skin features the amazing work of Michael Schmid check out his amazing work on his website!
- Restaurant Skin
- Business Skins
- One click installation
Color Switcher
Force comes with a great color switcher that let’s you choose what ever color you want
Three different Slider
Choose between three different sliders, including the famous nivo slider
In post Slider
Create a slider within a post – no code required: we created a special post options panel that shows up underneath each post where you can create the slides.
WordPress 3.x Template
- We use the power WordPress 3.x has to offer!
- Makes use of WP 3.x Menu System
Portfolio Page
Show of products or a website portfolio with incredible portfolios.
- Three, Two and One Columns supported. Not only for the overview page, but for each portfolio category.
- sorting feature for the overview page
Video Integration In Portfolio
Video Portfolio included!
- Its as simple (or even simpler) as creating a blog post. All from the backend. No coding required!
- Its as easy as inserting an URL!
- When installing the delivered Plugins, you get the power of about 30 video host pages!
- or host the videos by yourself!
Create beautifull galleries to show off your images (sorting feature included)
Widgetized (Main)page
Our previously clients love this feature: Populate the mainpage by just dragging and dropping widgets in the mainpage widget area!
We deliver custom widgets that make it possible for you to create your own page!
Unlimited Sidebars
Create as many custom sidebars as you want! All through the backend menu – no coding required.
Shortcodes (including gallery shortcodes)
Our shortcodes make it easy to stand out! The custom code snippets let you create some nice layout details with a short line of code! And the best: We bring you buttons in the html editor and some in the WYSIWYG that automatically create the code for the shortcodes and paste them into the textfield.
No coding required!
Custom Premium Widgets for Mainpage and Sidebars
We created a variety of incredible useful widgets for you to choose from. Take a look at the preview to see what Force has to offer! The widgets are waiting for you in the widget area of the wordpress backend.
Display Sidebar Left or Right or hide it
If you hide it, the post will take the full side width! Perfect if you need more space to advertise your products!
Contact Form for the footer area
PSDs included
We include our Photoshop documents so you can edit every single piece of the layout or simply learn “how we did it”
Blog feature
Extensive Help File
The help file comes as a standalone html and built in into your wordpress backend! Never worry about getting help if you don’t work from your PC!
What is better than a moving picture when it comes to learn something? We created some quick videocasts to show you how to setup and get started with Force.
Powered by the new BebelCp2
- The new BebelCp2 is the most powerful backend of our production. It is *fully PHP5 OOP* based, you can extend our classes to adjust the settings to your needs. If you have a knowledge of php5, you will love this!
- requires PHP5! If you are still running on php4, tell your host to update immediately. PHP4 does not provide any security update since 3 years!
Translation ready with .po file (in english) – simply translate it to your language