Theme description

Forte is a powerful, elegant and flexible WordPress e-commerce theme with an adaptive layout and many features inside. It has got a (really) powerful admin panel, and an intuitive page builder (page composer).

Forte supports WooCommerce,WP Super Cache, WPMU (WordPress Multi-User or WordPress Network), and WPML, only to name the most famous ones.

The possibilities of customization are almost infinite, the 2 skins available are only examples you can use as starting points:

  • Bright skin
  • Dark skin

It comes with many jQuery effects (Tabs, Accordions, Drop Down Menu, Mega menu, Tooltips, Multi-Layer slideshowFullscreen slideshow, Colorbox and more…), unlimited skinsunlimited possibilities, Google web fonts, many layoutsdrag & drop system to compose your multi-layer slideshows, your contact forms and your price tables, a huge number of shortcodes with useful buttons in the text editor, a powerful extended administration panel, widget ready with seven widgets integrated, easy to translate with a .po file.


Please, buy this theme only if you think that the speed of the demo site is acceptable. Forte is a powerful theme, with many features, and many customizations possible. This requires a quite good server. The demo site is hosted on a VPS with other sites together with it : 768 MB of RAM , nothing special, but it’s enough.

The performance of your site will be faster or slower depending on whether you put your custom styles inline or you create a static file (this option is available on the admin panel). Each time you save something on your Forte admin panel a static file is generated with the settings just saved, but only if the CHMOD of this file is set to 777 and if the function file_put_contents() is available on your server.

Video Tutorials

  1. Install WordPress and Forte
  2. First steps
  3. Import demo content and the skins
  4. Create a menu
  5. Sidebars and side icons
  6. Create a slideshow
  7. The page builder

Theme features

  • Responsive / adaptive design
  • Multi-layer, fullscreen slideshow completely editable (drag & drop) with touch enabled (swipe gestures)
  • Sortable/filterable portfolio galleries, post categories and shop pages
  • Page navigation numbers or infinite scroll button available
  • WPMU ready
  • WPML ready
  • Zoom effect integrated for the product pages
  • Sidebar generator
  • 7 native widgets:
    1. Contact Forms
    2. Thumb Gallery
    3. Recent posts
    4. Recent comments
    5. Last tweets
    6. Advanced Search
    7. Login form
  • 14 layouts to use with your Blog, your Portfolio or your Shop
  • ColorBox plugin integrated
  • Tooltip plugin integrated
  • AJAX Contact Form generator completely editable (drag & drop)
  • Price table generator completely editable (drag & drop)
  • Brand customization available
  • jQuery drop-down menu and mega menu
  • Google Web Fonts ready
  • Almost every color are editable by Farbtastic color picker (body, loading, menu, links…)
  • Skin exporter/importer
  • SEO optimization
  • The icons and the layout are Retina-ready
  • A huge number of shortcodes with available as buttons in the text editor:
    • Slideshows
    • Google map
    • Contact forms
    • Tooltips
    • Videos (MP4 and OGG uploader or externally hosted… Vimeo, YouTube etc.)
    • UI Accordion
    • Ui Tabs
    • Sitemap
    • Custom boxes
    • Dropcap
    • Custom buttons
    • Price tables
    • Galleries
    • Categories
    • Tweets
      … and more
  • Many jQuery effects inside
  • Powerful admin panel
  • Documentation included
  • Support forum available
  • Fontawesome + other icons integrated
  • Demo content included