two columns, right sidebar, fixed or static multi-level drop down menu
widget-ready sidebar and footer areas
11 extra page templates: ‘full width (no sidebar)’, ‘redirect to first subpage’, ‘sitemap’ and ‘archives’: all, yearly, monthly, weekly, daily, categories, tags, post-by-post
support for: custom background, custom header, custom menu, editor style, post thumbnails, microformats, rtl language support, sticky posts and threaded-comments
automatic rss-feeds in the head section, added rss-feed links for posts, comments, categories, tags and authors
all site elements are intuitive and users will use the site more easily
correct html5 document structure for better search engine indexing
translation ready; Ukrainian, Russian, Hebrew and German translations included
includes a sample WordPress Child theme for rapid development
this site is powered by activetab theme
activetab theme options:
custom logo upload
show or hide site title in header section
show or hide site description in header section
menu position type (fixed or static)
show excerpt or full content in the list of posts
custom favicon upload (favicon shown in frontend and admin sections)
custom head code – could be inserted any javascript or css code into head section before closing [/head] tag
custom footer code – same as head code, but it will be inserted before closing [/body] tag