Say Hello to the last theme you’ll ever need. Say Hello to AIO!
AIO is a super awesome, all-in-one, fully featured, fully configurable Premium Responsive WordPress Theme. AIO comes packed with our brand new intuitive options panel ‘Builder’. AIO is suitable for absolutely any type of site, portfolio, showcase, creative, business, blog, this theme can do it all!
Features Include:
- Future proof HTML5 / CSS3 responsive & adaptive design.
- Dual WP3 menus.
- Boxed & Stretched layout options.
- 500+ Google fonts with live previews.
- Unlimited colors via color pickers.
- 56 background patterns.
- Slider module.
- Portfolio module.
- Client module.
- Twitter module.
- Fully widgetized sidebar & footer.
- Portfolio template.
- Contact template.
- Filterable portfolio.
- Google Maps.
- Threaded comments.
- Automatic black & white image option.
- Builder options panel with upgrade notifications.
- Backward compatibility for older browsers.
- Automatic CSS combine & minify.
- Homepage Builder.
- Lightbox gallery.
- Built-in ajax contact form with validation.
- Automatic text links.
- Automatic image sizing.
- Social Integration.
- Custom Post Formats.
- Lots of built-in shortcodes and classes for easy styling.
- Google analytics.
plus tons more!