Aura is a creative multi-purpose theme with an impressive and attractive design and countless features.
Page Builder
Build unlimited sections and order them independently, style them and configure them.
3 Header Types
Choose between 3 header styles, and choose if you want to place there a full-screen image or video.
In view animations
Sections has in view animations, which makes user experience really smooth.
Visual Composer & Layer Slider
If you find that you need more space and more visual elements than we included those amazing plugins within Aura and save for you 30$
2 Blog Types
Choose between 2 blog layouts
Ajax Projects
Load Projects with ajax for better performance and smoother experience
Video Documentation Included
Watch how we set-up every portion of Aura easily in a video.
- Full Feature List
- 17 Section Types
- Typography Slider
- Layer Slider
- Visual Composer Layout
- What We Do
- Button Section
- Parallax Background
- Testimonials
- Clients
- Skills
- Twitter Feed
- Team Members
- Audio Player
- SoundCloud
- Parallax Video/Content
- Portfolio Grid
- Contact Form
- Google Maps
- 3 Sliders includes
- Typography Slider
- Layer Slider
- Simple Slider (within portfolio)
- Parallax Sections
- Percentage Loading Screen
- Parallax Content Sections
- Ajax Portfolio
- Smooth JavaScript Portfolio Filter
- 3 Custom Post Types
- Unlimited one page PAGES
- Unbranded Options Panel
- Responsive
- Written with WP Debug On
- Threaded Comments Support
- Drop-down menu support (nested menus)
- HTML W3C Valid
- Dummy Content Included
- Clean Design
- All Google Fonts Included
- All famous social networks included
- PSD’s included
- Translation Ready (.mo and .po files included)
- Child Theme Ready
- Visual Composer Included
- LayerSlider included
- Unlimited theme updates + lifetime support
- Google Maps
- Ajax Contact Form
- Rich Option Panel
- Built with Bootstrap
- CSS3 Animations
- Smooth Scrolling
- Vimeo and Youtube API
- Translation Ready
- Child Theme Ready
- Dummy XML included