B-Beauty theme is created for the customers who want to create an elegant, lightweight website devoted to beauty. The design is ideally suited for all sites dealing with beauty, skin care and appearance. It offers a number of features that make using a website easier and more pleasant. Here you can find a special contact form with Google Maps. The theme contains specialized formats for pages descirbing a company and for customer statements. There are also rich text formatting capabilities. Besides, B-Beauty contains a module gallery, a blog and a simple access to social networking sites. The hompage can be easily adapted to individual needs and to match evolving demands. Technology: HTML5, CSS3, LESS, jQuery, Responsive, bootstrap framework Files: LESS CSS, PSD, HTML, Each skin attach files less that you can recompile the css skin generally uses css files (less are only available for editing). Each skin attach a pure HTML version PSD depends on you Features: • Full responsive • Swipe Responsive Slider • 5 color version • Different versions of the font sizes for headings, text and menus • Built-in SEO plug • Home of the prepared modules: Content of block + latest post - a block of content drawn from the set and block the latest posts retrieved from the set categories or the parent of Service + Our team blocks - block the retrieved posts in the selected category or the parent and the downloaded block type posts our team Content of block - a block of content drawn from the set • Ability to set their translation • You can add your own CSS declaration Templates: • About us - text plus downloads per child as our team and the slider with the logos of companies • Services - site of service / offer • Gallery - a gallery page 2 column or 3 • Page with left sidebar - page with sidebar located on the left side • Page with right sidebar - page with sidebar located on the right side • Contact - Contact page with a map, form and social icons shortcodes: • Accordion • Image box (with zoom) • Alert boxes • Social icons • UL Custom Lists • Ask-box • Columns