aleta is a wordpress responsive portfolio theme for designers and photographers.
It has a lot of jQuery functions that does it to look modern and amazing at the same time.
A complete admin panel makes it easily manageable, you can change texts, colors and more there.
Includes paypal checkout for your portfolio items (if needed), so visitors can buy and download it.
Each single portfolio item block size are selectable (square, vertical, horizontal or random). And you can control what of them you want to show on home page.
The design is responsive, what does mean? it stretchs to fit your mobile, tablet or computer screen!!
It becomes with 2 different blog layouts, 3 different portfolio layouts and 5 different color layouts.
Change log
- Fixed linkedin icon
- Added flickr icon
- Fixed email verification on contact form
V. 3.9.2
- minor bug fixes
V. 3.9.1
- Fixed little bug with google maps iframe on contact us page
V. 3.9
- New site options added:
- Option to activate / deactivate the splash page
- Option to always show the splash page when going to index
- Option to activate / deactivate the built-in fancybox
- Option to select the default blog post layout (‘with sidebar’ or ‘no sidebar’)
- Fixed single post template when no uses featured image
V. 3.8.
- New site options added:
- Show / Hide portfolio section on home page
- Select how many portfolio items to show on home page
- Show / Hide blog section on home page
- Select how many blog posts items to show on home page
- Added single blog post ‘No sidebar’ template
V. 3.7
- Solved compatibility with prototype js
- Improved compatibility with lightbox 2 plugin
V. 3.6
- Fixed compatibility with Nextgen Gallery plugin
- Fixed admin preview slider image width
- JS scripts moved from header.php to functions.php using wp_enqueue_script
- Fixed issue with magic_quotes on site options
V. 3.5
- First version uploaded