Theme Features:
- Autoscrolling content slider built in
- Mygallery built in
- 468 x 165 banner slot
- 4 125 x 125 custom banner slots
- Banner positions can be turned off
- Cross browser compatibility IE7, IE8, Firefox, Safari, Chrome, Opera
- Admin Page Options
- 4 Columns
- Collapsibile content column
- 2 Sidebars
- Pages dropdown menu
- Exclude pages menu option
- Threaded comments, Trackbacks & Pingbacks are separated
- Gravatar ready
- Valid CSS and XHTML
- Latest articles on category (can be turned off)
- Page navigation included, no plugin required
- Google Analytics code script can be inserted
- Widget ready
- Clean coded
- Easy to customize
- WP 2.9.2 ready
I tried working with this theme , but i m not getting the featured images, i m unable to insert the images
Upload the new template file from your hard drive on the edit HTML page.
Change the background to any color you’d like, of course. You, owing to the frequent use of WordPress autopost plugins, will be able to become determined to get traffic and on account of additional functionality, it can help you in several ways in the coming days.