Sleek simple, lightweight wordpress theme with 5 colors with 3D look and for excellent readability. It has 2 column fluid layout, supporting widgets, sidebars and social icons.


  1. Premium stylish professional theme.
  2. Simple flexible fluid width design
  3. Lightweight fast loading.
  4. Big Fonts to read
  5. Bright colours for good readability
  6. Comes with 5 colour skins (red, blue, black, grey,  grunge)
  7. Ideal for personal blogs and news magazine sites using wordpress.
  8. Theme support for custom excerpts and more.
  9. Theme support for breaking pages using <!–next–>
  10. Disable sidebar to show full width layout for posts/pages through theme options.
  11. Disable showing comments in pages/posts through theme panel
  12. 3 Footer widgets
  13. Ad ready (728×90)