Current Version: 1.4.7 (2013.08.22)
deTube is a Professional Responsive Video WordPress Theme designed for video site, video blog video Portal. This theme will help you get a professional video site up and running quickly, it is inspired by the popular websites: YouTube, Vimeo and Dribbble. No modest to say that it is the most powerful video WordPress theme so far.
Demo 1 –
This is a demo of the video site based on the deTube Theme, in this demo, default single video post layout and default home featured content layout is full width.
Demo 2 –
This is a demo of the News/Magazine site based on the deTube Theme, in this demo, default single video post layout and default home featured content layout is 2 Columns.
Version 1.4 – Compatible with WordPress 3.6
Notice: Please update your WordPress to 3.6 before you’re going to update deTube to >= 1.4.
This version of deTube is compatible with latest WordPress 3.6. So far the deTube can works with 4 players:
- MediaElement (WordPress 3.6 Native Player)
- JWPlayer (via its WordPress Plugin)
- FlowPlayer (via its WordPress Plugin)
- jPlayer (Theme Built-in)
And you can choose one of them as your default player for self hosted videos.
As of 1.4, we added footbar layout option, please select a layout for your footbar via “Theme Options -> General -> Footer Settings”, then re-configure widgets on “Appearance -> Widgets” page.
Upgrading to 1.3.7
WARNING:To upgrade to deTube 1.3.7, if you have buddypress installed:
- First, please update your BuddyPress to 1.7 or higher.
- Method 1: The easiest way is deactivate and delete older deTube theme, then re-install the new version.
- Method 2: If reinstalling does not suit you such as you modified the theme, so you need to delete your old buddypress templates below from the theme folder, the related folders and files
- Folders: “bp/”, “members/”, “activity/”, “forums/”, “groups/” and “registration/”.
- Files: bp-functions.php
Delete the older “Video Thumbnails for deTube” plugin and use official “Video Thumbnails” plugin.
Version 1.3.6 – Compatible with Post Views Count plugin
Due to some users reported WP Postviews plugin have CPU overload problem and some hosting is not allowed to use it, we made the theme ALSO compatible with another views plugin – Post Views Count since 1.3.6. there is something you may would like to know:
- The Post Views Count plugin support views in days, weeks, months and years.
- If you switch the plugin from WP Postviews to Post Views Count, the views will not lost.
- If you switch the plugin from WP Postviews to Post Views Count, just deactivate WP Postviews and activate Post Views Count, DO NOT click “UNINSTALL WP-PostViews” button, otherwise your views will be lost and back to zero.
- The WP Postviews plugin can still work with our theme, you can use one of them.
Version 1.3 – BuddyPress Compatible Now
deTube 1.3 is out the door, it’s compatible with BuddyPress now, it’s also compatible with JW Player WordPress Plugin.
Version 1.2 – Responsive Now
deTube 1.2 is here, this version comes with a few improvements and bug fixes but the biggest by far is that the deTube theme is now responsive!
Version 1.1 – Fully Ready for News/Magazine sites
deTube 1.1 is here and out the door, it could also be used for news/magazine sites now. This version includes significant improvements to custom home featured content layout, flexible single post layout, more custom page templates, and make some of the functions to optional. For more infomation, please see the changelog for 1.1 at the bottom of this page.
Note: please read theme documentation for upgrading 1.0 to 1.1
Modular Home Page
You can add UNLIMITED section boxes to home page, and drag section boxes to change their order. For each section box, you can configure the post query arguments, title, link, and layout view etc. You can also insert custom content before/after this box, such as your advertising code.
Automatic Video thumbnail
The deTube theme integrate a modified version of WordPress plugin Video Thumbnail, it will auto generate thumbnails for the video from pupular video site like Youtube, Vimeo etc, of course the “Feature Image” is also supported.
Autoplay Video
This theme will autoplay video from Youtube and Vimeo or Self Hosted Video.
Self Hosted Video(Cross-Browser and Cross-Platform)
The deTube theme integrate open source jQuery plugin jPlayer for self hosted video support.
Sortable Videos & Switchable Layout View
Sortable Videos: The visitors can sort your videos by Date, Title, Views, Likes and Comments.
Switchable Layout View: 6 view types is supported.
Ajax inline Video Player with “List Large” View
When viewing a video archive page that displayed in “List Large” layout view, the video thumbnail will be displayed by default rather than display all video player, if you click a thumbnail, the video will load with ajax and autoplay.
Ajax Video Slider on Homepage
Displays the featured videos with carousel effect and ajax slider on home page.
Featured Videos by Category
Displays the featured videos with carousel effect on category pages.
3 Ways to Embed Video Easily
- Video File: Embed Self Hosted Video only need paste your video file url
- Video URL: Auto-Embed videos by the url from popular video sites like YouTube, Vimeo and many others.
- Video Code: Embed video by raw video code(object, embed of iframe).
Theme built-in “Like” and “Share” feature
Like: Built-in like featured, support logged-in users and guests, also include a page template for displaying user’s liked videos.
Share: Integrate AddThis button code.
6 Custom Widgets
- Post List Widget: Display a wide variety of post list : Recent Posts, Most Commented Posts, Most Liked Posts, Most Viewed Posts, Featured Posts, Random Posts, Posts by User, Posts by category and much more.
- Recent Comments Widget: Display most recent comments with avatar and excerpt.
- Latest Tweets Widget: Display latest tweets.
- User Bio Widget Display “Biographical Info” of a user.
- Advertising Widget: Display ad image or ad code.
- Single Post Stats Widget: Display stats(comments/views/likes) for single post.
Multi-User Support
If you want to Create a Video Community on WordPress, this theme is also ready for you.
- If your site is allowed to register, a ‘Sign Up’ button, ‘Login in’ button and dropdown login form will displayed in the header area.
- The User Navigation will shown when a user is logged in.
- Each user has a profile page displayed their infomation, added videos and liked videos.
- Easy to use theme options, drag&drop panel.
- Integrate ‘WP Postviews’ and ‘WP Pagenavi’
- Backgrond patterns: 14 Preset background patterns and Custom background pattern is also supported
- Custom ‘Post’ Labels: You can change the labels of WordPress built-in post type ‘post’, to ‘Video’, or whatever you want to name it.
- Custom contact methods ‘twitter’, ‘facebbok’ and ‘location’ on edit profile page
- Built-in related videos
- Custom menus support & CSS3 Drop-Down Menus
- Toggle “More/Less” video info
- Custom login logo
- Custom rss url
- Threaded comments
- Social navigation
- Footer navigation
- Custom code in head and footer
- Login form & account navigation
- Custom text for copyright&credits
- HTML5 & CSS3
- Compatible with WordPress 3.4
- Localisation support(.po/.mo file)
- Carefully handcrafted
- Extensive Documentation
- much more…
Credits and Copyrights
- jQuery –
- jPlayer –
- jCarousel –
- jCookie Cookie Plugin –
- jQuery Easing –
- HTML5Shiv –
All videos used in deTube demo are copyrighted to their respective owners. These video from popular video site YouTube, Vimeo etc.
= 1.4.7 - 2013.08.23 * Fixed Twitter Widget error. = 1.4.6 - 2013.08.22 * Fixed the wrapper problem with latest WooCommerce. * Added WooCommerce Sidebar. * Added ellipsis to entry-title in grid view. = 1.4.5 - 2013.08.15 * Added a option to disable jQuery Masonry layout, because it caused widget overlay with some widget plugins, it's a temp fix until we figure it out. * Updated some of jQuery Plugins to latest version: jQuery ImagesLoaded Plugin v3.0.4 and Query Cookie Plugin v1.3.1 * Fixed bug: the icon with "reply" text is weird when it's translated to too long. * Fixed related posts bug. * Fixed less/more bug. = 1.4 - 2013.08.14 * Compatible with WordPress 3.6 * Added jplayer shortcode [jplayer src="" poster=""]. * Added support for WordPress built-in MediaElement Player and FlowPlayer plugin * Supported Player so far: MediaElement, FlowPlayer, JWPlayer and jPlayer * Added default player support, now you can choose one of supported player as your default player for self hosted videos. * Added New Latest Tweets Widget based on Twitter API 1.1 * Added Footbar Layout Option * Reused jQuery masonry instead of CSS3 Multi Columns because it caused too many problems. * Make header buttons to optional. * Added initial-scale and maximun-scale for viewport, looks better on iPad landscaple. * No longer using Google hosted jQuery, beacause it may conflicting with some plugins. * Updated jPlayer to 2.4.0 * Fixed bug: the videos imported from Automatic Youtube Videos Plugin can't play in home featured area * Completely rewritten for more organized code, and easier maintenance * Minor bug fixes = 1.3.7 - 2013.05.21 * Removed all plugins from theme package, instead, we listed require and recommend plugins on "Appearance -> Install" page. * Make it compatible with Automatic Youtube Video Post plugin. * Removed BuddyPress sepecific templates because we don't need theme since BuddyPress 1.7. * Added bbPress Sidebar if the plugin is activated on a site. * Fixed that Youtube video with JWPlayer can't play on mobile devices. * Fixed the protocol bug that it casued external scripts aren't able to work when a site running on https:// mode. * Fixed invalid post number option on category pages. * Included class-tgm-plugin-activation.php file to list require and recommend plugins on WordPress admin. * Added plugin-compat.php file to palces all of functions related to plugin compatibility. * Minor bug fixes = 1.3.6 - 2013.05.01 * Update jPlayer plugin to 2.3.0 (it support real full screen now) * Added, make it compatible with Post Views Count plugin. * Autoscroll work with cirular scroll. * Added views option to related posts * Minor bug fixes = 1.3.5 - 2013.03.25 * Fixed the thumb overlay problem on Safari * Fixed the post order by specified ids on home page settings. * Fixed the bugs by 1.3.4 = 1.3.4 - 2013.03.22 * Make it support latest JWPlayer WordPress Plugin (Support for JWPlayer 6) * Added 'post format' option to home page settings. * Fixed image issue with facebook graph tags. * Fixed small bugs by 1.3.3. = 1.3.3 - 2013.03.17 * Removed SlidesJS plugin, in favor of jCarousel. * Maked home featured(Standard layout) to autoscroll. * updated jQuery to 1.8.3 * updated jPlayer to 2.2.0 * Added full page background image and maked background repeat and background attachment to options. * Added sort type "random". * Make Facebook Open Graph Tags to optiontal. * Make it compatible with the WooCommerce plugin. * Minor bug fixes = 1.3.2 - 2013.02.07 * Added Boxed Layout. * Improved thumbnail sizes with different views. * Improved related posts. * Maked dropdown menu working on iPad. * Removed JS Masonry Layout, used CSS3 Multi Columns. * Fixed Posts Widget bug on "Archives" page. = 1.3.1 - 2013.01.17 * Just fixed the jQuery version problem = 1.3 - 2012.09.19 * Compatible with <a href="">BuddyPress</a>. * Compatible with <a href="">JW Player WordPress Plugin</a>. * Added custom files for theme users to custom coding. * Excluded sticky posts from related posts. * Fixed video thumbnail error when share post to facebook. * Fixed wrong thumbnail size in list-large view. * Fixed login url bug. * Minor bug fixes. = 1.2.5 - 2012.08.26 * Added Related Posts Widget. * Fixed connection error when install plugins or themes. * Improved image size in responsive. * Fixed some bugs in IE9. * Added post type option to home featured content settings and home section box settings. * Make autoplay to optional on home featured content area. * Remove top info bar and Youtube Logo from Youtube video player. * Fixed translation error. * Minor bug fixes. = 1.2.4 - 2012.08.16 * Fixed z-index bug that the dropdown menu appears behind the video scre = 1.2.3 - 2012.08.14 * Added Full Screen for jPlayer * Added manual excerpt support * Added Facebook open graph tags support and fixed incorrect thumbnail when like/share post to facebook * Updated AddThis, it could configure PubID to track analytics. * Updated autoplay to optional * Fixed initial like count = 1.2.2 - 2012.08.01 * Minor bug fixes = 1.2.1 - 2012.08.01 * Make responsive to optional * Fixed the "Like" feature again * Minor bug fixes = 1.2 - 2012.07.28 * Responsive now * Fixed the "Like" feature * Minor bug fixes = 1.1 - 2012.07.23 * Added regular posts support, so this theme could also be used for news/magazine sites now. * Added post format support: 'standard' and 'video'. * Added single video post layout: Standard and Full Width * Added home featured content layout: Standard and Full Width * Added custom page templates: Full Width, Tag Cloud and Archives. * Added option 'custom background color' and updated option 'background pattern' to optional * Updated "More/Less" toggle to optional * Updated Widgets: "Single Video Stats" to "Single Post Stats", "Videos Widget" to "Posts Widget" * Updated "Custom Post Labels" to optional by one-click check box. * Removed the title, byline, portrait on vimeo video * Disabled suggested videos on YouTube video when the video finishes * Updated "Auto Video Thumbnail", use HD thumbnails from YouTube and Vimeo when they're available. = 1.0 - 2012.07.16 * Init release.