Complete list of features:
Customizable, unlimited Frontpage layouts with individual modules:
- Intro paragraph;
- Call to action;
- Widget rows (1 to 5);
- Page content;
- Posts scroller;
- Latest work;
- Latest work with description;
- Partner logo scroller;
- Services scroller;
- Team scroller.
Responsive Slideshows (can be used on any post/page) with custom user-friendly interface (add, edit, rearrange, delete slides):
- Duotive Gallery slideshow;
- Duotive Complex slideshow;
Unlimited custom sidebars (widget areas). With predefined widget areas:
- Blog widget area;
- Single post widget area;
- Portfolio widget area;
- Single project widget area.
Portfolio layouts with sub-category navigation:
- “Three columns classic”;
- “Portrait columns”;
- “Aligned left”;
- “Circles”;
- “Circles 2”.
Custom Project content types:
- Image project;
- Video project;
- Audio project;
- Gallery project;
- Slideshow project;
- Image listing project.
Blog layouts:
- “With sidebar — Classic”;
- “With sidebar — Aligned left”;
- “With sidebar — Two columns”;
- “Without sidebar — Classic”;
- “Without sidebar — Three columns”.
Custom post content types (with or without sidebar):
- Article post;
- Image post;
- Video post;
- Audio post;
- Gallery post;
- Slideshow post.
Custom page templates:
- Contact page with integrated reCAPTCHA support;
- Services;
- Sitemap;
- Team;
- With sidebar.
Custom Duotive widgets (with hide on mobile feature):
- “Duotive — Contact Details”;
- “Duotive — Contact Form”, with integrated reCAPTCHA support;
- “Duotive — Icon”;
- “Duotive — Image”;
- “Duotive — Mini Gallery”;
- “Duotive — Newsflash”;
- “Duotive — Recent Posts”;
- “Duotive — Recent Projects”;
- “Duotive — Slideshow”;
- “Duotive — Tabs”;
- “Duotive — Testimonials”.
Pricing packages code generator with user-friendly interface.
Custom shortcodes available within the Visual Editor:
- HTML5 video;
- HTML5 Audio;
- Lists;
- Responsive columns;
- Custom buttons with lots of icons;
- Duotive Slideshow;
- Duotive Gallery;
- Tabs;
- Accordion;
- Content holders: Box, Message — Note, Message — Success, Message — Error, Message — Info, Message — Simple box, Important paragraph, Quote — Full width, Quote — Left aligned, Quote — Right aligned, Highlighted text, Icon, Dropcap.
Complete Style manager for unlimited custom color schemes, with predefined styles out-of-the-box (can be applied to any post/page):
- “Default” (light style);
- “Dark”;
- “Business”;
- “Nature”;
- “Black’n’White”;
- “Healthy”;
- “Press”.
Footer area with the following elements:
- Footer tabs with custom column combinations;
- Footer menu;
- Copyright area.
Website toolbar with custom modules:
- Search box;
- Language changer (requires qTranslate plugin);
- Phone number field;
- Social media icons: Blogger, Delicious, DeviantArt, Digg, Dribbble, Dropbox, Facebook, Flickr, Google+, Instagram, LinkedIn, Pintrest, RSS, Skype, Soundcloud, Stumbleupon, Twitter, Vimeo, WordPress, Yahoo, Youtube.
Duotive Admin Panel — Advanced sub-section:
- Customizable color scheme for branding;
- Option to hide the Duotive logo from the Duotive Admin Panel;
- Custom CSS field for quick edits;
- Custom JavaScript field (e.g. Google Analytics).
Upgradable theme from within the WordPress admin panel (a notice will appear whenever we release a new update). Requires the following fields:
- Themeforest username;
- Account API key.
Localization user-friendly interface. All the strings used by the theme can be changed here. Also, the ability to use *.mo and *.po files is integrated within the Duotive Admin Panel.
Complete theme Documentation with step-by-step instructions for all the theme’s features. Friendly for those with less WordPress experience.
Before posting a support question, please make sure that you’ve the documentation, and you checked all the options available in Duotive admin Panel’s sections. Also if JavaScript stopped working, please make sure that your installed plugins are compatible with the theme’s javascript.
All the images displayed on the demo website are for illustrative purposes only and will not be part of the design/template meant for sale.