A classy responsive WordPress theme for eCommerce sites featuring WooCommerce – DW Trendy. Designed for eCommerce sites with a clean and classy layout, DW Trendy theme can be tuned into any type any size of online store as you want to. Supporting responsive design, customize panel with custom code area, you have all the control to personalize the theme to meet your needs. Besides, we include in this theme a number of features and functions, support WooCommerce plugin, Page Builder and so on. All to create a powerful WordPress online store for you. I can quickly name here some of the features like: product quick view, wish-list, product compare, shopping cart, blog pages with various post formats and much more.
Main features
- WordPress 3.8 compatible
- Fully responsive
- Supports Page Builder by SiteOrigin
- Supports WooCommerce
- Supports YITH WooCommerce Compare & Wish-list
- Product Quick-view
- Bootstrap 3 ready
- Font Awesome 4.0.3
- Customize panel for Site layout, Color, Font family, Logo, Social links
- Supports a variety of Post Formats: Standard, Gallery, Image, Quote, Link
- Supports a number of widgets: DW Query Posts, DW WooCommerce Category Info, DW WooCommerce Products Slide, DW Twitter
- DW Question & Answer plugin compatible
WooCommerce plugin and its core features
DW Trendy theme supports WooCommerce v2.1.2 plugin. There is no need to talk much about this plugin since it is one of the most popular plugin for WordPress eCommerce solutions already.
In this WordPress theme DW Trendy, we fully support all the core features of WooCommerce plugin. You can name some of the features like: Paypal payment gateway, rating system, social sharing – share your cart, SEO friendly, tax and shipping options and much more. You can explore more features of this plugin at its website.
YITH WooCommerce Compare & Wish list
We have to agree that Product Compare and Product Wish list are the two essential features of any online store. We support the two plugins: YITH WooCommerce Compare and YITH WooCommerce Wishlist to provide that features.
Page Builder by SiteOrigin
We support the Page Builder plugin in our WordPress theme for the first time. As WordPress has been evolving into a CMS, this Page Builder plugin from SiteOrigin has been a huge contribution to this evolution. Some may know about this plugin already, some may not. Basically, Page Build will help you visualize your widgets in the admin panel by turning them into the building blocks of your page. So it means when you create a page with DW Trendy, you can see how the page layout with widgets added look like in the admin panel. The plugin supports and works with a lot of widgets and plugins, SiteOrigin also includes some of the widgets to get started like Gallery widget, Image widget, video widgets and along with elements widgets button, call to action, price box, testimonial and so on.
Product Quick view
Exclusively written for DW Trendy theme, Product Quick view allows you to add a quick popup review for items when shoppers click on an item.
Work along with WooCommerce plugin, this plugin contributes to enhance the online shopping experience for your store shoppers. One click on an item and quick info like item title, price, description, rating and so on will be displayed nicely on a popup window.
Responsive design
I guess we do not have to talk much about this feature of the theme: DW Trendy is 100% responsive and ready to rock on any mobile device and tablet.
Root-Relative URL
In this WordPress theme DW Trendy, we support to create root-relative URLs. The root-relative URLs are necessary for eCommerce sites, especially when you want to have SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) for better security for check-out page. Clean Code
The code is clean and easy to keep track and customize:
- Remove unnecessary <link>’s
- Remove inline CSS used by Recent Comments widget
- Remove inline CSS used by posts with galleries
- Remove self-closing tag and change ’’s to ”’s on rel_canonical()
- Redirects search results from /?s=query to /search/query/, converts %20 to +
- Fix for empty search queries redirecting to home page
- Remove unnecessary dashboard widgets
- Remove unnecessary self-closing tags (As HTML5 not require this technique)
And others….
Besides main features and functions listed above, we support a variety of widget in DW Trendy in which help you to create a powerful online store. Some of the widgets includes: DW Query Posts, DW WooCommerce Category Info, DW WooCommerce Products Slide, DW Twitter and so on.
It’s an online shop, yes and we still support a blog page with a number of post formats for you to freely express the content in various ways. There are up to 5 post formats you can choose from: either a standard article one or a Gallery one to showcase your item, from Image to Quote and Link.
Like in all our WordPress themes, we support a customize panel in admin panel where you can personalize the theme from logo to color. Also, a custom code area is included where you can add your custom code to edit the style of the theme.
A question & answer page for an online store? My answer is “Why not?”. Though it depends on your need but our thought is that it could be nice to have page where you can support and answer to your shoppers inquiries regarding to your products. It’s up to your need, but in case you need one we have a whole system ready for you.
DW Trendy is our first responsive eCommerce oriented WordPress theme – a simple and clean online shop for you. Let’s explore the theme and decide for yourself.
= 1.1.3. =
* New: Add the social share to the product page * Fix: Top Menu doesn't appears
= 1.1.2. =
* Fix: Shop filter does not work when permarlink changes * Fix: Bugs in navigation bar
= 1.1.1 =
* Tweak: Add notifications of required plugins for the theme * Fix: Allow to search products * New: Add Slider Settings in Customize panel * New: Add language files
= 1.1.0 =
* Tweak: Update Bootstrap 3.1 * Tweak: Restyle to be compatible with WooCommerce 2.1.2 * Tweak: Restyle to be compatible with DW Question & Answer 1.1.1 * New: Supports the root-relative URLs * New: Add Slider Settings to Customize panel * Fix: Remove unnecessary <link>'s * Fix: Remove inline CSS used by Recent Comments widget * Fix: Remove inline CSS used by posts with galleries * Fix: Remove self-closing tag and change ''s to "'s on rel_canonical() * Fix: Redirects search results from /?s=query to /search/query/, converts %20 to + * Fix: Fix for empty search queries redirecting to home page * Fix: Remove unnecessary dashboard widgets * Fix: Remove unnecessary self-closing tags (As HTML5 not require this technique)
= 1.0.0 =
* The first version of DW Trendy