Emperor is a super-duper customizable, responsive, multi-purpose
WordPress Theme that everybody wants. This All-In-One package includes the awesomeRevolution Slider Plugin (15$ Value)

Theme is powered by the SMOF Options Panel, which provides tons
of options to manage and modify any aspect of the theme – it is well suited
for both beginners with no coding knowledge and developers.

Emperor theme developed on the Bootstrap — beautifull boilerplate for responsive
development so it look beautiful at any size, be it a 17” laptop screen
or an iPad, iPhone.

Key Features

  Super-duper customizable
  Unlimited Home page layouts
  500+ Google Fonts
  Unlimited Sidebars
  Custom Backgrounds
  Support RTL languages
  Premium Revolution Slider
  6 Custom Widgets
  Custom Shortcodes
  Responsive Design
  AJAX Thumbnail Rebuild
  SEO Ready
  Minimalistic Design
  300+ Font Awesome Icons
  Cross Browser Compatible
  Highly Customizable
  Built with Bootstrap
  And much more…