Exact is a clean WordPress theme that is highly customised – you can specify your own custom header and custom background – or simply use one of the images provided. The theme also supports custom menus and sidebar widgets.
The image displayed for each post is set by specifying a “featured image”. Edit the post in question, and then select an image under where it says “Featured image”. This image will automatically be created as the correct dimensions – however if you want to make it the right dimensions before uploading it, then they are 240 pixels by 240 pixels. Once you’ve selected a featured image, save the post, and the image will appear on the website.
The theme has been extensively tested in a variety of browsers, and is all valid XHTML.
This theme is totally free to use – for personal sites, paid sites, commercial use etc – the header and background images supplied are adapted from photos originally taken by myself – so there are no copyright issues. You can modify both the theme and images however you want.
For your references:
- Header images are 966px wide by 140px high
- Featured images are 240px wide by 240px high
- Background images can be any size
- The overall width of the content area for each page/post is 666px.
The theme supports
- Sidebar Widget – so you can customise your sidebar
- Custom Header Menu – so you can add custom menu options at the top of the page
- Custom Backgrounds
- Custom Header Image