A basic WordPress child theme for Twenty Thirteen in a flat modern style for a simple portfolio based on Twitter Bootstrap 2.3.2

************What’s in this theme?************

Page templates included:

Default Template- left sidebar with subpages menu for any child pages.
Full Page- full width page template.
Sub page gallery- shows subpages as a thumbnail gallery- use the child pages of a page set to this template to create a thumbnail gallery.
Gallery page – has navigation links to other pages on the same level.


top right menu
primary horizontal menu
vertical menu for sidebar *

*(Please note the wp-bootstap-navwalker menus only support 1 level of drop down)
As author notes: This script in intended implement the Bootstrap 3.0 menu structure without adding additional features, additional dropdown levels will not be supported.


6 widgets

Primary Sidebar Widget (left)
Footer Area 1 (left footer)
Footer Area 2 (middle footer)
Footer Area 3 (right footer)
Footer Area Home 1 (Home or front page on left in footer)
Footer Area Home 2 (Home or front page on right in footer)

Custom background:

you can set a custom background in the admin.

Custom Header

you can set a custom header image in the admin.

Subpage function:

Default Template pages have a left sidebar and any child pages will show as a menu.

Thickbox for images:

It also uses thickbox (built into WordPress) for image lightboxes.
Add the to images you want to have in a lightbox.
Images uploaded and inserted onto the pages and posts will have the class added for you automatically.
You can get rid of this if you want by editing the functions.php

All functions are commented.

Featured Thumbnails:

128px by 128px is the recommended size for thumbnails of child pages under a page using the page template for sub page gallery.