Hot Topix is the complete makeover for your WordPress magazine site! This ultra-modern, professional theme is retina-ready, fully-responsive and comes with five different ad units, including a wallpaper ad and a special mobile ad unit. Hot Topix also comes with a drag-and-drop homepage, featured posts on each category page, a “sticky” menu bar, post/page slideshows and so much more!
Key Features
Responsive design – Hot Topix adjusts its layout based on the device it is being viewed on. This means the theme’s content will be easy to read and easy to navigate whether it is being viewed on a desktop computer, a tablet or a mobile device.
Retina Ready – The theme and its images look sharp and crisp on retina-ready devices!
Featured Posts on Category Pages – No more boring category pages with a list of the most recent posts. Hot Topix prominently displays the 5 most recent posts so your category pages look as professional as the homepage!
Post & Page Slideshows – Hot Topix utilizes Theia Post Slider to give you dynamic slideshows in your posts and pages. Now, you can increase page views and ad impressions while providing excellent, organized content in a fluid slideshow. The slideshow comes with a set of options that includes the ability to reload the page with each slide to increase ad impressions.
5 Different Ad Units – Hot Topix takes full advantage of available ad space to give you 5 different ad units, including a rare wallpaper ad and a special ad unit for mobile devices! The ad units include a 970×90 leaderboard ad (which can also be used as a 728×90 ad banner), a 320×50 mobile ad, a wallpaper ad, and unlimited 300×250 and 160×600 ads.
Drag-and-Drop Homepage – Create unlimited homepage layouts by dragging and dropping our custom widgets into the layout that gives your website the professional look and feel you are truly looking for.
Featured Headline – Most major news and magazine sites use shorter “teaser” headlines in their featured content section on the homepage. Hot Topix gives you the same option to spruce up your featured items with a custom “teaser” headline that can be used in the featured posts on the homepage and category pages.
Unlimited Color Schemes – Hot Topix allows you to choose your own color for the primary theme color, the main menu background color and the primary link color giving you unlimited color options.
11 Custom Widgets – From a custom carousel widget that displays your content prominently on the homepage to a custom tabber widget that displays popular posts, Hot Topix gives you the flexibility and ease of use to display your content the way you want it without altering any code.
Complete List of Features
- Compatible with WordPress 3.5
- SEO Optimized
- HTML5 & CSS3
- Easy implementation with Google Adsense ads
- WordPress Featured Image support
- WordPress Custom Background support
- WordPress Custom Menu support
- No need for any additional plugins
- Custom Theme Options panel
- Custom CSS section in Theme Options so users will not lose custom changes to CSS when you update to a new version
- Built in Google Analytics support
- Optional homepage blog layout
- Free lifetime updates
- News ticker
- Over 20 shortcodes
- Mobile/tablet versions use “swipe” navigation for carousel widget
- Easy logo customization
- Threaded comments
- Ability to turn Featured Image on posts on/off
- Custom copyright/footer text
- Custom favicon
- In-depth documentation
- And much more!