Theme Features:
- Kwicks slider built in
- 468 x 165 banner slot
- Banner positions can be turned off
- Cross browser compatibility IE7, IE8, Firefox, Safari, Chrome, Opera
- Admin Page Options
- WordPress 3.0 menu system supported + backwarkd compatability
- 2 Columns
- Right Sidebar
- Pages dropdown menu
- Exclude pages menu option
- Threaded comments, Trackbacks & Pingbacks are separated
- Gravatar ready
- RSS ready, Twitter ready, Subscription ready
- Post thumbnails (automatic image resizing)
- Valid CSS and XHTML
- Page navigation included, no plugin required
- Google Analytics code script can be inserted
- Widget ready
- Clean coded
- Easy to customize
- WP 3.0 ready
Very nice theme! I like it and maybe i’ll take it for a news small project of me…