LineDrawing is a clean, simple WordPress theme designed to unobtrusively showcase your content. Perfect for personal blogs and portfolios.
Respsonive Layout – LineDrawing is designed to be easy to read and navigate on any size screen.
Custom Logo – You can customize your logo image or text and resize the logo size using WordPress customizer.
Featured Images – Featured images can be displayed on your blog’s front page and individual post pages.
Custom Menu – LineDrawing has a single custom menu with accordian-style dropdown submenus.
Widgetized Sidebar – LineDrawing has two widget areas along the left sidebar: one above the custom menu and one below.
Translation-Ready – LineDrawing is fully internationalized with a complete PO template. It is just awaiting your translation.
Using this theme
Custom Logo
In addition to assigning a logo image, you can also change the width of the logo from the customizer. All you need to do is insert a width into the “Logo > Logo Width” field. You do not need to enter any units, only a number (the width is measured in pixels).
Featured Images
As of v1.1.0, if the height of a featured image is more than 150% of the width, the image will always be displayed left of the post content. Otherwise, the image will be displayed above the title on the index page page and will be aligned to the left of the content on sinle post pages.