Mag4u is a Clean Responsive Retina News, Magazine and Blog Theme, built with an HTML5 and Twitter Bootstrap v3.1
Updates Changelog
Version 1.2 (30 May 2014)
- New: Light & Dark post's review box styles. - New: Small & Large stars in review box. - New: Customize review box summary section background, font and stars colors. - Fixed: BuddyPress & bbPress mobile issues. - Fixed: Some responsive issues. - Minor bug fixes.
Mag4u Theme Features
- Retina Ready.
- Responsive Desing.
- Mega Menus.
- Users Ratings.
- Unlimited Colors.
- Unlimited Sidebars.
- Amazing Drag & Drop Page Builder.
- Easy and Friendly Admin Panel.
- Perfect SEO with HTML5 and Rich Snippet New Technology.
- Boxed/Fluid Layout.
- 50+ Powerful Shortcodes With [Ultimate Short Codes] Plugin. Watch Video
- Built With an HTML5, Rich Snippet, CSS3, IcoMoon Vector Icons and Bootstrap 3.1
- Post Views Count.
- Author Box With Social Profiles.
- Author Posts Page.
- After Sale Support.