Magneo is a Responsive News Magazine and blog theme.
- Responsive design with option to turn off
- Seven media query breakpoints, that occupies the maximum available screen space in any device
- Home page builder with unlimited blocks
- Three column layout
- Option to change to Two column layout
- A huge category slider for displaying recent 5 posts from all categories with options to disable it and also exclude categories
- Breaking News
- WordPress 3.0 menu with drop down and responsiveness
- Integrated Breadcrumps
- Integrated Pagination
- Integrated related posts
- Easily add Google analytics
- Easily add Google adsense
- Easily upload logo
- Upload favicon.ico
- Image or color body background
- Featured author
- Recent posts of all categories
- Full reviews on home page – Two types
- Header banner
- Unlimited theme skin colors
- Unlimited sidebars
- Custom sidebars
- Unlimited Review criteria and four types of rating
It comes with an easy to use advanced home page builder with unlimited blocks which are truly drag, drop and sort type. Get your website up and running within minutes
The blocks are two category and two column, single category, news in picture, video block, review-blocks, simple list, three category block,ad blocks, latest post block etc.
The theme boasts of an excellent review and rating system with unlimited review criteria and drag and sort criteria. Review types like stars, percentage, grades, simple numbers etc. Select review box width and where to display the review. You can also show the entire review in the homepage.
The theme also boasts of ability to have unlimited skin colors so no two website have to look the same again.
Hosting a video is now a breeze for both embed videos and self hosted videos. At present we support only mp4 self hosted videos but future updates will have support for other video formats like webm, ogg etc.
The theme has three sliders.Elastic,Flexslider and Vertical carousel. You also have the option of not showing the slider by selecting “None”.
You can select between right , left and no sidebars for each and every post or page and can also include your own custom sidebars.Center sidebars remain the same through out the website.
Custom Widgets like
- login widget
- facebook fans
- flickr
- googleplus
- tabbed popular recent comments
- feedburner
Many more to follow in next update.
Apart from facebook, twitter,pinterest etc we have also included the good ol mail article and print article buttons.
Hope you like our theme.