- BuddyPress ReadyFully buddyPress ready with complete styling to give BuddyPress on MediaEdge a completely new and fresh feeling.
- Logo SettingsQuickly swap out the logo with your own unique branding and take advantage of the full Google Fonts Libary.
- Easy to use Page BuilderEasily drag and drop widgets around the page with complete control over the way you want your pages to display.
- News WidgetsChoose the categories to use, the tags, and even add in an “All Articles” tab if you would like, it’s that easy.
- Featured Slider WidgetsCreate separate sliders for each page, or one for all of them. You have total control.
- Promotion Row WidgetsNeed to promote some stories? Use the Promo Row Widget to easily add interactive links to those stories with pictures, title, and descriptions.
- Video Carousel WidgetsMake it easy for your users to find videos on your site in this ever growing video media world.
- Flexible Article Like SystemLet users, guests or even both have the option to like your articles to bring out the best content on your site.
- Custom Widgets
- Easy to use Shortcodes
- Easy to use Custom Page Template
- Custom 404 page
- Coming Soon page
- WordPress 3.8 Ready
- Valid HTML5 / CSS3
- Amazing Customer Support
- And Much More, Check out the preview!
Version 1.0.1 > Jan 4th, 2013
- NEW: Added Profile Page - NEW: Added Blank page, no sidebar - NEW: Added blank page, with sidebar - FIXED: IE 7 & 8 Bugs - FIXED: Various small Javascript bugs