The theme nano blogger is a search engine optimized (SEO-friendly) blog framework for WordPress. It supports custom header, custom background, 2 custom menu, two sidebar widget area, and unlimited plugins. It has two different template for both Pages and Blogs, so you can call seperate blog page into any of your site page. Gorgeous and soothing look is ideal for blog and even for your website. And with minimum load, it loads faster.
Theme nano blogger has some wonderful features, like:
- Double Menu-Position
- Double Wigets Area
- WordPress Custom Header
- WordPress Custom Background
- Two built-in Custom header images
- Seperate blog template
- Full width template
- Sticky Posts
Installation of the theme nano blogger is very easy and simple. You can either install it automatically or manually:
- Enter into your WordPress admin panel (typically domain/wp-admin)
- Go to Appearance > Themes
- Select Install Themes tab-button to browse new themes
- In the search box type ‘nano blogger‘ and then click on search button
- From the search result click on the “Install” button
- Now Activate the theme to enjoy
- Download the nano blogger theme for FREE
- Extract (Unzip) the file nano blogger.zip and copy the nano blogger folder
- In your WordPress installation folder, go to wp-content > themes, and paste it
- Now enter into your WordPress admin panel (typically domain/wp-admin)
- Go to Appearance > Themes
- On the Available Themes portion, Activate the “nano blogger”, and enjoy