- Fully Responsive WordPress Theme.
- Page Templates.
- About page template.
- Archives page template.
- Contact page template.
- A unique design, designed in balance.
- SEO Optimized.
- Super Easy Installation & Setup.
- Unlimited Colors.
- Advertisement areas + easy settup input from theme options.
- Custom Scrollbar in WebKit
- Google-Fonts Support.
- +520 READY TO USE Google Fonts for Titles.
- +520 READY TO USE Google Fonts for Body.
- Color pickers for each font colors into the theme.
- Color pickers for each element with background color into the theme.
- ALL OPTIONS for Custom background (image uploader, color picker, repeat, attachment, position).
- 19 background patterns ready-to-use.
- Margin and padding options for each element.
- Post and Page Titles font-size and line-height option
- +50 new theme options.
- Constant updates.
- You can use your existing blog content.
- You can take your content with you when you want to switch themes later on.
- Youtube & Vimeo Embedded video support.
- Photoshop File Included.
- Organized .php, .css and .js files.
- Extensive PDF Documentation.
- Images from preview are not included.
Version 1.0 at March 2013
* Initial Released