Photo Addict is a mouthwatering blend of flexbox with handpicked morsels of color and spiced with random images. Made for the adventurous, this theme uses advanced CSS flexbox for layout, filters to blur images for backgrounds, and transforms to make the post titles and meta drip around the edges of the post. Colors are picked from attached images. The navigation is minimal. Categories and tags may be set, but aren’t displayed by the theme. Also, if you install the Random Images plugin, the theme’s attachment pages will adjust automagically. It works best if you add lots of images and galleries! All in all, it’s minimal and unconventional.
Unconventional Features
- Support for only the latest browsers (and not even IE)
- Flexbox layout
- Image blurs with SVG (for Firefox)
- Sampled color layered under the text to keep it readable
- Transforms to rotate the site title and post meta to drip around the edges of the content
- Show/hide comments with a click
The Photo Addict theme will work best if you keep the following things in mind:
- Add some image and galleries — it’s a photo-loving theme
- Minimal or no widgets — they’ll display at the bottom of posts and pages, but use them sparingly or not at all
- Keep menus short and sweet
- Galleries look best when the Settings > Media > “Crop thumbnail” option is on