PixelPerfect is a responsive, retina-ready landing page WordPress theme. It’s primarily intended for mobile apps, but with a little modification it can have many uses.
- Responsive Layout
- HiDPI/Retina Ready
- Lightweight (extensive use of CSS3)
- Live Custom Colors
- Easy Google Fonts Customization
- Working Contact and Subscribe Forms
- MailChimp Ready
- Super Fast Setup
- Fully Translatable (.pot/.po/.mo included)
- Extensive use of Theme Customizer
- 1-click Demo Content Importer
- Child Theme Included
- Well Documented!
- PSDs Included
- XML Demo Data Included
If you have any question or need any support, please post your questions in item’s discussion board or email us at kontakt@pixeldizajn.com
We usually reply within 24 hours, but allow us up 48h. We really value our customers and we love to offer reliable support, so please feel free to contact us!
==> version 1.0.0 - 04/16/2014 Initial Release
Thanks so much to:
- iPhone holding hand – Konstantin Karpov
- iPhone 5 Mock ups FREEMIUM – Paul Flavius Nechita
- Fontello
- SubtlePatterns grey pattern
- Somacro: Social Media Icons
- MagnificPopup
- OwlCarousel
- Retina.js
- SequenceJS
- Google web fonts Rokkitt and Ubuntu