Portal is a very simple, magazine plus blog style theme with light bright colors blending nicely. With all the latest features such as Responsive layout, SEO Optimized, Custom Widgets and many more. Most of all, Portal is FREE


Grid Layout
Show all your post in a simple yet appealing way. Viewers are able to view up to 9 latest recent post with photos to make them read more!

Be it tablet, mobile or PC, Portal is ready to provide the best viewing experience to your readers.

SEO Optimized
Portal is created to be as SEO Friendly as possible. Take advantage of Portal features now.

Custom Widgets
Need a bigger Ad Box? We have a rectangular size(300×250), a half sized(125×125) – able to fit all your ads placement, twitter, fb like box etc.

Translation Ready
Have an international Audience? Thanks to our translation-ready themes, making a change in language translation will be simple.

Options Panel
Our options panel are integrated with various features that allow you to control the theme functions. Solves your headache from looking at complex codes.

Unlimited Color Schemes
Color picker, allows you to choose various colors – to make your site look as it is.

Unlimited Backgrounds
Require different textures, background or patterns? We allow you to personalize your theme with your creativity.

The best of all – FREE. Portal is created with you in mind.