CURRENT VERSION 1.3 (see Change log at the bottom of this page)
Change log
27.09.2013 Version 1.0 – Release
02.09.2013 Version 1.1 – Update
- Homepage “with Slider” style is added (you can allow slider on any page/post) - Optional advertisement block in the page’s header is added - Selection of registration status (reader/author) and function of notification of the site’s admin are added - Login & Register popups are moved to the left (inside the body of the page) - The error occuring when editing categories in ‘Quick edit’ mode is fixed
03.09.2013 Version 1.2 – Update
- Ways of sorting posts for slider are added - An option to switch the rating of author (or visitors) off is added - Two color schemes are added (Red and White\Red)
07.09.2013 Version 1.3 – Update
- Menu display in IE9+ is fixed - Scripts' functioning in IE9+ is optimized - The slider's work is improved - Lines for translation are added - New theme release notification in WordPress Dashboard is added - An option to choose the number of 'Related Posts' on the post page is added