Qualia Full Features
200++ features at the first release!
- Clean, Modern Design
- Retina Ready
- 2 Logos (default logo and alternative logo for occasional use)
- Favicons for Standard Browser, iPhone, and iPad
- INTRODUCING: Color Sets System
- Define up to 10 Color Sets
- Set each Color Set: background, base, subtle, text, strong, and accent color
- Assign a color set into any sections
- Live Preview Settings
- UNLIMITED Color Combinations
- Auto Fallback Color into HEX format for older browsers
- FULL CONTROL over all Typography
- All headings Typography (h1 – h6)
- Body Text Typography
- Button Text Typography
- Navigation Links Typography
- Blockquote Text Typography
- Page Title Typography
- Page Divider Typography
- RevSlider Typography
- Standard Regular Fonts
- 600++ Google Fonts
- Upload Custom Fonts
- Configure font face, size, style, weight, transform, line height, letter spacing fore each typography
- Live Preview Settings
- 100% Responsive Design
- Responsive Breakpoints Configuration (Meaning you can even control how Responsive your site you want!)
- Standard / Default
- Enable or disable Wide Screen Breakpoint
- Enable or disable Tablet Breakpoint
- Enable or disable Mobile Breakpoint
- Customize Body Layout
- 3 Layouts: Wide Layout, Boxed Layout, Boxed Spaced Layout
- Set different layout on specific pages
- Set different background color and image on specific pages
- Customize “From Hair to Toe”
- Customize all sections: Top Header, Header, Sub Header, Content, Footer, and Copyright
- Assign color set to every sections
- Set background image
- Set custom slasses
- Set section’s separator
- Additional Top Header Section Customizations
- Change Top Header text
- Activate Top Header menu
- Activate Top Header social links set
- Additional Header Section Customizations
- Enable or disable Floating Header
- Set Header Attachment: Normal or Absolute
- Optionally change absolute header background color
- Use Alternative Logo on specific pages
- Activate Mega Menu on Menu Item
- Activate Button Menu Item
- Activate Social Icon Menu Item
- Additional Sub Header (Page Title Section) Customizations
- 3 Modes: Normal, Centered, Side by Side
- Enable or disable breadcrumb
- Optionally set specific background image for specific pages
- Configure top and bottom spacing
- Additional Content Section Customizations
- Set Sidebar Position (left, right, or disabled)
- Configure top and bottom spacing
- Or you can split into UNLIMITED multiple sections (via “Multiple Sections” Page Template)
- Additional Footer Section Customizations
- Set any number of columns (max 6 columns)
- Set each columns’ grid and offset
- Put widgets
- Put shortcodes
- Additional Copyright Section Customizations
- Change copyright text
- Activate Copyright menu
- Activate Copyright social links set
- Powered by Vafpress Portfolio Plugin
- Cover any kind of works (Designer, Developer, Company, Agency, Photographer, Architect, Event Organizer, Artist, Musician, Professional, etc)
- Choose one from 4 available tiles modes and hover effects
- UNLIMITED Portfolio Meta Data (e.g. “client”, “year”, “skills”, “contributors”, “address”, “credits”, “project URL”, etc)
- Play Shortcodes in Meta Data (button, links, list, maps, etc)
- INTRODUCING Handpicked Queryable Portfolio Meta Data (you can query by “client”, “year”, etc, not only by category and tag)
- One Click Queryable Meta Data Setup
- Auto generated Queryable Meta Data for new Portfolio Posts
- Set 2 – 4 columns layout
- Set number of items per page
- Auto generated thumbnails
- Create custom archive page via Shortcode
- Enable or disable Filters by category
- Pagination mode: load more
- Pagination mode: standard page links
- Pagination mode: carousel
- Pagination mode: disabled
- Set Single Portfolio Details Layout
- Portfolio Images Presentation: Images
- Portfolio Images Presentation: Slider
- Enable of disable singe portfolio pagination
- Custom URL Rewrite for Global Portfolio Post
- Custom URL Rewrite for Portfolio Category Archive
- Custom URL Rewrite for Portfolio Tag Archive
- Configure Portfolio Title Format
- Configure Portfolio Category Archive Title Format
- Configure Portfolio Tag Archive Title Format
- Dedicated Portfolio Admin Options
- Extended Qualia Portfolio Admin Options
- Import / Export Settings
- Restore Default Settings
- Blog Layout: Classic
- Blog Layout: Timeline
- Blog Layout: Masonry
- Set Sidebar position
- Support Custom Sidebar
- Use Blog and Sidebar as a shortcode. Create your own unique Blog page layout!
- Support Latest WordPress Post Formats (Audio, Video, Quote, Image Gallery, Link)
- Support Sticky Post
- Support Featured Image
- Support Google Authorship Rich Snippets
- Standard Pagination or Modern Load More Paginations
- Breadcrumb NavXT Plugin Support out of the box
- Powered by Vafpress Animation Plugin
- Anymate any element or group of elements (literaly anything!)
- A bunch of awesome animation effects
- scale in and out
- scale in out
- fade in and out
- fade in out
- fade in short from left
- fade in short from right
- fade in short from top
- fade in short from bottom
- fade out short to left
- fade out short to right
- fade out short to top
- fade out short to bottom
- rotate 90 degree anchor top-left / top-center / top-right
- rotate 90 degree anchor middle-left / middle-center / middle-right
- rotate 90 degree anchor bottom-left / bottom-center / bottom-right
- rotate 180 degree anchor top-left / top-center / top-right
- rotate 180 degree anchor middle-left / middle-center / middle-right
- rotate 180 degree anchor bottom-left / bottom-center / bottom-right
- rotate 270 degree anchor top-left / top-center / top-right
- rotate 270 degree anchor middle-left / middle-center / middle-right
- rotate 270 degree anchor bottom-left / bottom-center / bottom-right
- rotate 360 degree anchor top-left / top-center / top-right
- rotate 360 degree anchor middle-left / middle-center / middle-right
- rotate 360 degree anchor bottom-left / bottom-center / bottom-right
- rotate -90 degree anchor top-left / top-center / top-right
- rotate -90 degree anchor middle-left / middle-center / middle-right
- rotate -90 degree anchor bottom-left / bottom-center / bottom-right
- rotate -180 degree anchor top-left / top-center / top-right
- rotate -180 degree anchor middle-left / middle-center / middle-right
- rotate -180 degree anchor bottom-left / bottom-center / bottom-right
- rotate -270 degree anchor top-left / top-center / top-right
- rotate -270 degree anchor middle-left / middle-center / middle-right
- rotate -270 degree anchor bottom-left / bottom-center / bottom-right
- rotate -360 degree anchor top-left / top-center / top-right
- rotate -360 degree anchor middle-left / middle-center / middle-right
- rotate -360 degree anchor bottom-left / bottom-center / bottom-right
- Full Support of all the latest CSS3 Animation properties
- Set animation duration
- Set trigger to start the animation
- Set delay on each animation
- n iteration or infinite iteration
- Timing Function Preset
- Custom Timing Function (Cubic Bezier)
- Choose animation direction
- Choose fill mode
- 40++ and counting Shortcodes available
- Easy usage via visual editor
- Use shortcodes any where (posts, pages, section, even footer!)
- Shortcode inside Shortcode, more flexibiliy for customizing content
- Grid System Shortcodes (row, column, offset)
- Boxes shortcodes for wrapping any content and group of elements
- Divider shortcode (solid line, dashed, dotted, double, with text or icons)
- Accordion shortcode (single or multiple open options)
- Tabs shortcode with custom panel placement
- Sidebar shortcode to put your custom widget everywhere
- Blog shortcodes to put blog archive everywher
- Portofolio shortcodes to put blog archive everywher
- Google Maps everywhere (full-width layout or any custom size, with custom pin)
- Stylish Pricing Table table and easy to customize
- Clean and Cool animated Progress Bar
- Unique and still customizable Progress Ring
- No more boring plain Table with Stylish Table shortcode
- A set of Typography shortcodes (Dropcap, Heading, Shout and Meta, Highlight text, etc)
- Stylish Alert Message Box
- Buttons, two nice and beautiful styles option with unlimited color combination
- 360++ Beautiful and Retina Ready Icons with FontAwesome
- Customize FontAwesome Icons with different fill modes and unlimited color combination
- Adavanced Animation shortcodes (explained in a different section on this list)
- Search Engline Optimization (SEO) friendly, also Mobile Optimized
- SEO friendly code structure
- Fully Capable of Creating your own unique and accurate page titles
- On-Page Optimizations
- Light and Fast Performance
- Google Author Rich Snippet (get your picture in search result!)
- Breadcrumbs Rich Snippet
- Image Slider: Revolution Slider (PREMIUM)
- Breadcrumb: Breadcrumb NavXT
- Form Builder: Contact Form 7
- Pagination: WP Pagenavi
- Many other Popular Plugins
- Powered by the awesome Vafpress Framework
- Support from WordPress 3.3 to NEW 3.7
- Support browsers: IE9, Firefox, Chrome, Opera, Safari, Mobile Browsers, etc
- Built in HTML5 and CSS3 best practices
- 100% W3 Valid code
- Resource Optimizations
- Very Modular and Extendable
- Child Theme Support
- Custom In-Page Head and Foot Script
- Custom In-Page Inline Styles
- Tons of Helper Classes
- Secret Recipes
- Multi Language Translation Ready