The Twenty Thirteen is the edge bold new theme from the team.
When I first saw Twenty Thirteen is immediately was attracted to it. But I knew I wanted to make a few changes to the theme. I also needed a new theme for my own website. This also was my first interaction with Trac and WordPress core leading to me actually having some CSS accepted in Twenty Thirteen.
I called this theme R2D2 because it is a child theme of Twenty Thirteen so a part two or a number two… Also my initials are RD. I also wanted a theme name that was short and too the point.
Here is a list of a couple changes I made:
- Dark Background
- Increased width to 2200px on the wider monitors
- A brown and blue headline and highlight text
- The post title is moved above the content in the video and images post format.
- The title instead of the caption is used in the post format gallery.
- Post Format Image has a black background
- The attachment template only shows the caption.
- Feature Image in single post shows caption if one is put in.
- The background colours of the post formats in the editor has been disabled as they aren’t the colours used in this child theme and those colours would be to dark for the current editor.