Theme Description
Ratius is a premium WordPress Review and Magazine theme with some awesome backend functionality. It’s built upon OOP for a super duper fast back and front end experience.
I simply have to say, admin panel and number of avaliable options is really amazing. It’s a pure pleasure to work with this theme. And Live Editing rocks.
Wptitans, thank you for this great theme mate!
Full feature List:
- Responsive Design.
- Touch Enabled Sliders.
- 40+ google web fonts an extensive typography panel.
- Responsive Sliders.
- HTML5.
- OOP framework.
- 40+ short codes.
- Live Homepage Editing
- Unlimited layout options
- 1 Minute Installer.
- Unlimited layout options.
- Facebook widgets and comments
- Notification manager.
- News Ticker manager.
- Ajax voting system.
- Powered by jQuery mobile for small devices.
- Localized.
- Extensive documentation.
- Image resizing options
- Slider manager.
- Custom post manager.
- Sidebar manager.
- BBPress Compatible and styled.
- Video / Slideshow support for posts and reviews
- Extensive Option Panel.
- Awesome Support
changelog v 1.8
1. Delete timthumb.php from server 2. Remove the hades_framework folder and upload the new hades_framework folder to theme folder again.