RedInk is a creative portfolio template built for users who want to showcase their works in a stylish and intuitive way. Being simple, easy to use and straight to the point, RedInk makes the user experience pleasant and useful, while concentrating the attention on your talent and skills.
RedInk is built using the latest technologies including CSS3 transitions for optimized performance and is fully responsive, meaning that it will work perfectly and run smoothly on any device, from notebooks to desktops, and from smartphones to tablets.
Advanced Option Panel – This theme comes with a highly customizable option panel with tons of advanced options, making it extremely easy to change options with just one click.
Post Type Supported – This theme comes with support for not only blog post types, but also for portfolio post types. We have also provided a set of cool options in the back-end to set the post types for these sections.
Ajax Portfolio Page – This theme is built with super ajax coding structure for the portfolio page, it’s simply just awesome to load your projects on a fashionable way. Take it for a spin!
Tons of Shortcodes – This theme comes with tons of shortcodes, so you can build your pages your way, no compromises!
Widgets Ready – This theme is widget ready, and we have also included a set of useful and popular widgets, like flickr widgets, latest portfolio etc.
6 Different Skins – This theme comes with 6 pre-made color skins; easily change the color and feel of your website with just one click. Easy right?
Demo XML File – This theme comes packed with the demo file for the users who want to get the website up and running asap. One click and voila!
Video Tutorials – We have included 12 + video tutorials that explain how to setup the theme and customize it.
Complete List Of Features
- Responsive
- Advanced Option Panel
- Portfolio Post Type Supported ( Video, Image )
- Porfolio Post Type Zoom Feature
- Ajax Portfolio Page
- Tons of Shortcodes
- Masonry Layout
- Widgets Ready
- 6 Different Skins
- Disqs Supported
- Advanced Meta Options
- SEO Ready
- 12+ Video Tutorials
- Post Type Supported ( Quote, Standared, Video, Gallery, Audio )
- Page Header ON/OFF
- Custom Page Background Image
- Google Fonts Supported
- FontAwesome Icons
- 3 Home Page Variations
- 2 Blog Page Variations
- Contact Form 7
- Quick Support