REIVER is easy to use cleanly designed fully responsive OnePage template. Checkout some of the key features below.
- Built on Responsive Bootstrap 3
- Rich set of reusable Shortcodes
- One page layout
- Four Home Page variants
- Appearance Animation Ready
- Animate.css css3 effetcs library
- Fontaweome Icons
- Masonry Ajax blog layout
- Filterable Animated Portfolio
- AJAX Portfolio Expander
- AJAX Contact Form
- Unlimited Colors
- Unlimited Page Subsections
- Easy custom color schemes
- Retina Ready (HiDPI Ready)
- Free Support
This template is really easy to use and edit, you can easily manage theme prominent colors by Theme Options. You can set background colors for pages and ‘Page sub-sections’ on the go. This theme featuresPage Sub Sections , a unique feature that allows you to create a sub section for every page you have created, both on ‘One-Page’ and ‘Standalone Mode’.
Change Log:
Version 1.2
Fixed Contact form bug. Fixed footer background color issue Improved Preloader. Initial load latency fixed. Added Parallax Background In sub-sections Added Static Parallax Background Support for Splash Page Updated Designova Reiver Shortcodes plugin to v1.1.2