RiverS is a multifunctional Responsive WordPress. It will suit ideally for business, software, store, product, or blog websites. The theme features clean, modern design and a convenient administration panel which provides numerous options to manage and modify any aspect of the theme regardless of your coding skill level. All the elements in this theme are optimized to work flawless on touch screen devices. Swipe, tap, double tap theme’s elements to experience the fluid and responsive structure. 4 responsive sliders, filterable portfolio with various layouts, a comprehensive list of shortcodes and a visual shortocode generator covering most scenarios, pricing tables and numerous jquery enhancements are just a small part of what the theme offers. With it’s 100+ features RiverS is providing you with the professional look your website might be looking for.
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Main Features
- Responsive HTML5 and CSS3 design (Foundation 3 Framework – 960px Grid)
- Touch Swipe and Tap support for all elemtents
- Full Background Slider/Static
- Advanced Admin Customization
- Global styles – change heading and body fonts, change text colors for heading and body…
- Body styles – backgrounds, backgrounds repeats, fonts sizes, body colors…
- Header styles – background image, background repeat, colors…
- Menu styles – menu text color, background color, droptdown color, active color…
- Custom CSS/Scripts
- Content styles
- Wide & Boxed Layout
- Easy Install Demo Data
- Visual Shortcode Generator
- Create pages in minutes
- Buttons, Tabs, Toggles, Accordion, Pricing Tables, Sliders, Boxes, Icons and much more in one click
- Sidebar Generator – Unlimited Sidebars
- Over 25 Page Layouts
- 4 Home Pages
- Blog with 3 styles
- Portfolio Page with 2,3,4 and mixed columns
- Shop Pages
- …
- Portfolio with 2/3/4 and mixed columns support, pagination support with non-animated filtering, drag&drop item sorting
- HTML 5 Native audio/video support
- Translation Ready (.po/.mo files included)
- Unlimited Colors and Google Fonts
- Over 240 Retina Icons (Font Awesome)
- Over 25$ Premium Plugins
- Amazing mobile navigation menu
- 3 Responsive Sliders with easy configuration
- Slider Revolution
- Camera Slider
- FlexiSlider
- Visual Form Builder
- Supports all major browsers