Clash Media’s new theme is Silver Spot. A fresh theme with two column or three column options and two different css modes (electric silver or burnished silver). What was the inspiration for this theme? Mostly the color! We wanted to go for something chrome or silver but the two designers involved could not agree on what kind of chrome or silver?

I know what you are thinking. Types of silver? Well actually it was more about the shade. I wanted an electric kind of silver, with a more blue hue about it. My designing buddy wanted more of a red hue an almost bronze look.

In the end we went with both. Yeah that is right, this theme comes with two looks. While the looks are not completely distinct they are different enough that with right match of headers, one site would completely different to another. We have not gone responsive with this theme but it is the last of our non-responsive themes. Google has said responsive theme design is the future and who are we to argue?