Simple is an excellent theme for people who want to give their blog a real simple and classy look without giving up on all the advanced features. Simple is best suited for bloggers who want to offer delightful and clear reading experience for their visitors.


Unlimited Style Schemes
16 patterns + unlimited background color + unlimited main color + navigation Hover Color + navigation tab height + footer background color + link color + body font color = infinite possibility

Fully Responsive Layout
Simple is a classy theme with responsive layout for better viewing on mobile devices, smartphones and tablets.

Custom Typography
Typography is important part of website design. You can switch between Top 42 Google fonts from admin option panel without touching the code.

Simple WordPress Theme offers 2 different layout options which are easy to change with one click.

Simple Theme has the awesome looking inbuilt lightbox effects for multimedia items.

Custom Widgets
10 powerful content, social and advertising custom widgets at your disposal.

Related Posts
Just one click and each post will show the related posts with thumbnails.

Simple Theme has 40 useful inbuilt Shortcodes that can easily be added into posts/pages with one click.

Options Panel
User-friendly options panel that allows you to easily add the logo, analytics code, advertisements, social buttons, change the layouts and much more.

SEO Optimized
Simple is built with best SEO practices in mind. Now it is easy to get the first page ranking in search results.