SupportX is a one stop support solution specially developed for Envato marketplace authors. SupportX comes with excellent purchase verification mechanism and designed to make it easier for both your buyers and seller himself to manage the tickets. Beside traditional email notification, SupportX features SMS notification, Notification feeds and Real Time popup notification to keep both buyers and sellers alert about the conversation. In line editing with powerful and customized editor makes it pleasing to write the tickets.

With SupportX, Envato marketplace authors will not have to look for any other third party services or products. Managing tickets were never this easier without SupportX.

Change Log

VER 1.3

ver 1.3 Released (14 March, 2014)

1. Social icons now always displayed in the footer area
2. Double password field in registration form
3. Ability to disable themes/products page from the admin panel "Theme Gallery Settings" 
4. Now teaser texts can be linked - see
5. Translation terms
6. Text formatting fix in knowledge base articles
7. Latest post link and search form target fix when the theme is installed in subdirectory
8. Logo has now max-height set
9. Notification 404 link fix in case of no notifications

VER 1.2.1

ver 1.2.1 Released (12th March, 2014)

1. Displaying Open Ticket button in All Tickets, Open Tickets and Closed Tickets section

VER 1.2

ver 1.2 Released (11th March 2014)

1. More flexibility for non envato authors
2. Non envato authors can now implement custom verification. They can include custom fields which needs to be filled by the ticket owners and we will be sending buyer's email and custom field value to a custom URL provided by the site owner, and verify if it sends a positive value
3. Posts with Disabled comments are now taken care of. No facebook comment panel will be displayed in those posts. 
4. New privacy level - from now, it can be set that only ticket owners can view tickets and no one else (except admins)
5. Usernames now can be changed with the help of Username Changed plugin. Thus importing existing users can be painless
6. A minor fix in Gravar system
7. For non envato authors, registration form is no longer showing "Envato ID" 
8. New POT file with strings
9. Fully widgetized footer area

VER 1.1

ver 1.1 Released (20 February 2014)

1. Logo in signin and signup page are now changeable
2. Meta Tag is now changeable from the admin panel
3. Site title is now changeable from admin panel
4. Two new privacy level "public" and "registered users only" 
5. Whole theme is now translatable, including the admin panel
6. POT file updated with English Strings
7. New Theme gallery page - fully customizable


Initial Release (18 February 2014)