Just like all the previous Tweaker themes this theme is aimed at those folks who enjoy tweaking their own themes to achieve exactly that which they are looking for.
Customization was kept in mind when creating and naming the different files included in the theme. It should be simple to find the file you need to customize to meet your needs. The code has been kept clean and simple which will also assist with customization.
It is important to remember that Tweaker5 is not a newer version of the previous Tweaker4 theme, it is a theme all on its own.
It is strongly recommended that you make use of a child theme before attempting any customization. Doing things this way means that you will not lose your changes as and when new versions of the theme see the light of day. When you create a child theme please do so in the manner recommended by WordPress.
I firmly believe that a WordPress theme should not contain functionality. The task of the theme is to display the content and that is all. Functionality falls squarely in the domain of plugins. In this theme I have however broken my own rule:
The theme contains its own ‘paginate’ function. Through the years I have enjoyed the WP-Paginate plugin but alas it seems as if this plugin is no longer actively supported. In all honesty I could not find any other plugin that did just what I required and thus the mentioned function found its way into the theme.
The social nav menu included in the theme is also functionality but I do think there is a difference with this one. Once you have setup your social menu it will still be there when you stop using this theme. In this theme the social menu is shown only at one place (and then only if you select to use it) but it could easily be shown anywhere by making a simple change to the template files. I have however not included the functionality to show this menu in a widget. Should you want to show your social nav menu in a custom menu widget (using this theme or any other) I do recommend that you have a look at the cbnet Social Menu plugin.
I have left the comments open on all these pages. This I have done so that you can make suggestions on any additions, omissions or alterations to the theme you would like to see in later versions. No support queries will be entertained here, these should go to the appropriate WordPress forum. I do attempt to get to the forums as often as I can.