Valenti is a cutting-edge, feature-rich WordPress premium HD (retina-ready) review magazine theme. Using the exclusive Valenti Drag & Drop Builder users can have fun creating a unique homepage and easily make modifications to it any time they wish. Valenti also comes with a unique megamenu system for beautiful drop down menus and also the ability to set the featured image of a post to have a parallax effect.
Valenti brings back the fun in building a website!
Homepage Features
- Build your own unique homepage using the exclusive Valenti homepage drag and drop builder (no shortcodes or code required!)
- 4 different modern grid modules (4, 5 & 6 articles + a variation of the 5 grid) to show featured or latest posts.
- Full-width slider to show featured or latest posts.
- Custom Background Images or colors
- Custom general colors (Borders, menu hover colors, review boxes, etc)
- 4 Blog styles for homepages to show the latest posts:
- Blog Style A
- Blog Style B
- Blog Style C (full-width)
- Blog Style D
Category Features
- Show posts in different styles (choice of 4 blog styles)
- Show a Grid Module (4, 5 or 6 articles), a big slider or a normal sized slider above the latest posts
- Feature specific posts exclusively in the category grid/sliders
- Upload custom backgrounds
- Set the background to any color
- Set background to full-width stretch, repeat or no-repeat
- Set general color for category using a color picker (for menu hovers, review boxes, etc)
- Option to use a unique sidebar
Post Features
- Full-Width Post Option
- Fully integrated review / rating system
- Reviews system options:
- Three different styles: Stars, Percent or points
- Option to include a score subtitle to appear in the thumbnails throughout the site
- Option to include up to three pros and cons with custom titles
- Option to turn on/off user ratings (user reviews)
- Multiple shortcodes available for articles: Dropcaps, buttons, highlight text, toggle (Faqs), alert boxes, columns, video gallery, responsive video, divider and tabs.
- Post Format: Video (Able to embed YouTube / Vimeo / Kickstarter / Viddler videos) and appearing in a unique overlay of the featured image
- Post Format: Audio (Able to embed Soundcloud) and appearing in a unique overlay of the featured image
- Upload custom background or background slideshow
- Change the featured Image style (four different styles) or turn off completely
- Set the background to any color
- Set background image to full-width stretch, repeat or no-repeat
Page Features
- Custom Sidebar
- Upload custom background
- Upload multiple custom backgrounds for background slideshow
- Set the background to any color
- Set background image to full-width stretch, repeat or no-repeat
- Set general color for page using a color picker (for menu hovers, borders, etc)
Page Templates Included
- Meet The Team Page
- Meet The Team Full-Width Page
- Individual Author Page
- 404 Page
- Full-Width
- Search: With Results
Widgets Included
- Valenti Social Media Icons Widget
- Valenti Top Reviews Widget (Can be set to show top X reviews from a category/global + Filter (All time/Last Month/Last 7 days/Only 2011/Only 2012/Only 2013)
- Valenti Latest Posts With Thumbnails (Big/Small image style) Widget
- Valenti Facebook Like Box Widget
- Valenti 125px x 125px ads Widget
- Valenti Multi-Widget (Show multiple widgets in one)
- Valenti Google+ Follow Badge Widget
- Valenti Latest Posts Slider Widget
- Valenti Recent Comments With Avatar Widget
- Valenti Retina Image Widget
Child Theme Compatible
- Valenti is 100% child-theme compatible and comes with a child-theme already setup for immediate use and customizations.
General Features
- Clean, ultra modern and dynamic design for a professional and engaging visitor experience
- Retina Ready (HD)
- RTL & WPML ready
- Boxed Or Full-Width site Option
- Unique mega menu system
- Login With Ajax Integrated
- Unique homepage drag and drop builder
- Integrated “to top” button with option to turn on/off
- Access to the 600+ fonts from + drop-down menus with recommended fonts (hand-picked for their quality).
- Option to turn off About The Author box in admin theme options
- Option to turn off Lightbox in admin theme options
- Option to turn off “Next/Previous” box in admin theme options
- Option to turn off “By Line” in admin theme options (“By x on 01/01/2013 in Category” This appears in posts/modules/blog styles).
- Three custom menu locations (Main, secondary and footer)
- Secondary menu navigation has drop down capabilities
- Custom Sidebars for category and pages
- Extensive documentation with images and videos. Can also be seen online.
- Integrated related posts with images that can be turned on/off from within the theme options
- Sample Dummy Content XML file included (Note: does not include images from the demo, all images are replaced with a dummy placeholder image)
- Schema Rich Snippet Microdata
- Fully Responsive design
- Simple and powerful Theme Options framework built-in
- Very sleek Lightbox integrated
- Custom Logo Upload
- Custom Favicon Upload
- Custom footer copyright
- Custom CSS section (Best practice to avoid losing CSS changes on theme updates)
- In-built pagination
- Indented threaded comments
- Dynamic breaking news in secondaru menu bar which pauses on mouse hover (Can be turned on/off from the theme options and filtered to show specific categories)
- SEO-Ready – Everything is set as it should be. For example: Only one H1 per page and wrapped around the post title (NOT the logo – which is terrible SEO), images pull the alt text data, relevant Meta schema data, etc
- Translation Ready with .mo/.po files included (French & Spanish already translated and included)
- Designed with valid HTML5 + CCS3 code
- Extensively tested with ALL major browsers and versions, including IE8
- Multiple shortcodes included integrated straight into the TinyMCE (no more having to remember complicated code)
- Option of 468×60 Banner, 728×90 Banner or no banner at all next to logo
- Exclusive support system (through the excellent Ticksy)