Use the simple drag and drop widget system to control your homepage layout, giving you endless possibilities.
Vryskut is packed with flexible homepage options which help you setup the exact look you want for the front page of your site. Best part? They’re just one click away, no coding required.
Online Proposals
Say goodbye to word processors, pdf printers and email clients to send out your proposals. Now you can create proposals with ease using WordPress.The proposals are password protected , so only the assigned client can view them and if you want you can even send them as a HTML Emial.
- Already formatted , so you won’t have to worry about that
- Password Protected, so no peeking
- Easy to use – Use basic WYSIWYG controls in WordPress
- Add as many items as you need
- Set the currency of the proposal – includes most of the worlds currencies
- You can assign multiple disclaimers
- Send proposal as a HTML Email
- Client can accept the proposal by clicking a link in the mail they received.
- Client Area