Wondrous is Portfolio & Blog WordPress theme for agencies & content lover. Stand out a crafted and inspired approach to every project we work on, which is why our client keep coming back & love us.
– Random Mozaic Layout
Mozaic portfolio in wondrous is unusual, this theme has 8 column layout that change every you reload your page. It’s refressed, your page never look as same.
– Ultra Responsive
Not only in desktop or your laptop. Wondrous adapt in every device. mobile phone, tablet, iPhone or iPad. Your portfolio have their attention anyone, anywhere and anytime!
– Layer Slider
The world fast, flexible and easiest to use slider is included inside Wondrous package. Now your design, photos, or other kind of portfolio will look more stylish.
– Cross Browser Compatibility
The world fast, flexible and easiest to use slider is included inside Wondrous package. Now your design, photos, or other kind of portfolio will look more stylish.
– 24+ Useful Element of Venner-Shortcode
You can compose a bunch of shortcode with click on our venner-shortcode. You can easily set-up your content and element inside venner-shortcode toolbox.
Current Versions – 1.0
The Key of Theme Features
- Lifetime Support
- Simple but powerfull design
- Simple Text Slider
- LayerSlider
- Ultra Responsive
- Easy logo replacement with retina display support
- Venner-Shortcode : A lot of Shortcode and still counting
- 6 Custom Widgets
- Easy to use Theme Options, by Redux
- Accent Color Control
- Localisation Ready (.mo and .po files)
- 5 Posts Format (Standart post, Video post, Slideshow post, Quote post, and Soundcloud post)
- 7 Page template
- WordPress 3.8 Ready
- PSD files included
- Extensive Documentation