WordPress 3.6 Ready!
WPML & Localization ( .po .mo ) Ready!
WorkSpace is compatible with WPML plugin for multi language translation. WorkSpace is a multi-purpose theme with variety of shorcodes and portfolio showcases. Each of the portfolio set can be generated with 1,2,3 and 4 column layout with or without sidebars. Blogs lists and grids are supported, with fullwidth and sidebar features. A variety of homepages can be generated using shortcodes with parallalax blocks and animated on focus progress bars and counters.
- Page title enable/disable
- Page title header background image per page implementation.
- Display Revolution slider within page header.
- Ajax Portfolio ( 1,2,3,4 Columns )
- Filterable Portfolio ( 1,2,3,4 Columns )
- Normal Portfoli ( 1,2,3,4 Columns )
- Slideshow header
- Video Header
- Image Header
- Vertical image list
- Column, Left or Right sidebar and Fullwdith support for each portfolio item.
- Normal Blog list
- Small thumbnail blog list
- Blog grid list
- Accent and Color controls from theme options
- Google Fonts
- 1. Fullpage Block
- 2. Section Heading
- 3. Information Boxes
- 4. Works Carousel
- 5. Column Blog list
- 6. Testimonials
- 7. Lightbox
- 8. Toggle
- 9. Accordion
- 10. Counter
- 11. Buttons
- 12. Pricing Table Generate pricing tables
- 13. Highlight
- 14. Audio Player
- 15. Blog Slideshow
- 16. Google Maps.
- 17. Divider
- 18. Service Boxes
- 19. Portfolio Grid
- 20. Recent Blog Recent blog posts
- 21. Progress Bar
- 22. Thumbnails
- 23. Tabs
- 24. Check lists
- 25. Staff
- 26. Alerts
- 27. Coulmns
- 28. Dropcap
- 29. Pullquote
- 30. Slideshow
- 31. Portfolio Slideshow
- 32. Callout Box
- 33. Clients
- 34. Socials Links
- Popular Posts
- Recent Posts
- Gallery
- Portfolio work list
- Portfolio Related list
- Flickr
- Addresss
- Video
- Social
- Pages – Sample variety of Pages for use. Inlcuded with DEMO Data
- Contact built in template
- Contact 7 plugin Compatible with custom styles
- PSD Included
- 77 Page PDF Help Guide.
- .PO .MO Language Files inlcudes
- WPML Plugin Ready
- Demo Data Included
* Multiple Sidebars * Advance Theme Options * Change colors of theme using theme options * 600+ Google web fonts choices * Lots of useful shortcodes with Shortcode generator