zAlive is a responsive two columns theme with green and black color. With rich options you can custom the slider, excerpt, advertisement code,primary sidebar layout, copyright, nav menu, CSS style, scripts and more.

Change Logs

= 1.2.11(2013.10.13) =
* fix the bug that slider and secondary-sidebar showing on blog post page(not homepage) even the setting is ‘Enable in Home Page’.

= 1.2.10(2013.10.13) =
* add ‘Read More’ link for custom excerpt by modifying functions and filters.
* optimize mobile platform CSS styles.

= 1.2.9(2013.10.09) =
* update Russian translation.

= 1.2.8(2013.10.08) =
* add option for changing slider pause time.
* fix slider content can’t be empty bug.

= 1.2.7(2013.09.29)  =
* optimize pagination style in mobile platform and the case that there are many links.

= 1.2.6(2013.09.29)  =
* fix dropdown menu height bug in IE 10 and 11.
* optimize pagination CSS style.

= 1.2.5(2013.09.20) =
* make the option ‘Text for “Read More”‘ in effect when ‘more’ tag is used in posts.
* fix the arguments of wp_list_pages in footer.php(thanks to navillus0).
* add more social media links to the Social Links widget.

= 1.2.4(2013.09.12) =
* replace GMT time with local time in custom recent comments widget.
* optimize the icon position in sticky post title( in case there are more than one line of text in title).
* add Russian translation(thanks to Aleksey Maksimov).

= 1.2.3(2013.09.11) =
* fix some translation bugs.
* optimize some textarea style in theme options page.

= 1.2.2(2013.09.05) =
* optimize the style of post content.
* optimize the style.css with better selectors, coding style and well comments.
* add style for pages like: password protected page, 404.php, content-none.php and more.
* add many theme options like: excerpt,primary sidebar layout, swithes(tagline,searchbox,breadcrumb and more), CSS code,scripts.
* add support for custom background.
* add zAlive.pot in /languages and may be useful for translator.
* rewrite custom widgets with better security.
* providing better content pagination and comment pagination by using new functions or parameters.
* replace footer widgets with secondary sidebar so that you can custom it with widgets you want.
* organize php files with better file structure and naming(rename many php files or move them to sub folders)
* remove GuestWall page template(as it may cause security issues)

= 1.2.1(2013.08.28) =
* add filter for wp_title.

= 1.2.0(2013.08.23) =
* change parameters in wp_list_categories and wp_list_pages to hide unnecessary levels of menu.
* add some default widgets incase sidebar is left as blank.
* replace title.php with usage of wp_title.

1.1.10(2013.08.22,first approved version in WordPress theme repository) =
* fix sub-menu dropdown bugs on mobile platform.

= 1.1.9 =
* fix sub-menu not showing on hover event.
* update twitter-bootstrap-hover-dropdown plugin with a new version.

= 1.1.8 =
* replace sharing code with advertisement code

= 1.1.7 =
* optimize the format of date before the post(according to the user-selected date format rather than hard-coded).
* escape all home_url() calls.

= 1.1.6 =
* use jQuery that WordPress bundled rather than a theme customed one.
* optimize the default value in theme option page.

= 1.1.5 =
* fix double title bugs.

= 1.1.4 =
* add search widget.

= 1.1.3 =
* change license from GPL v2 to GPL v3.

= 1.1.2 =
* remove translation for theme options default value.

= 1.1.1 =
* better security and more effective for set/get theme options.
* some translation bugs fixed.
* enqueue all stylesheets and scripts by using wp_enqueue_style() and wp_enqueue_script() in theme option page.

= 1.0.9 =
* add readme.txt file.
* replace hard coded credit link with esc_url function.
* replace 4 slider images with more beautiful ones.
* optimize styles for ‘code’ markup.

= 1.0.8 =
* some translation bugs fixed.
* add styles for ‘code’ markup.

= 1.0.7 =
* balance the height of #main and #sidebar with CSS rather than JS.
* add header-no-sidebar.php so that we can use it in other template.
* add page-no-sidebar.php so that we can post a page by selecting ‘No Sidebar’ page template.

= 1.0.3 =
* remove one credit link in the footer.
* enqueue all stylesheets and scripts by using wp_enqueue_style() and wp_enqueue_script()
* some translation bugs fixed.
* add translation for all public-facing text strings in Javascript.

= 1.0 =
* Theme uploaded.