Zylyz is a special wordpress theme from fabthemes.com and web2feel.com. This is a recipe/food blog theme. Theme is packed with features that can power a recipe site on wordpress. This uses features like custom post type, custom taxonomies, custom metabox etc. The recipe posts are specially crafted to display the contents in a user friendly way. The theme also supports regular blog feature. The home page of the theme holds a nivo slider which can be customized. From the options page you can choose to display either featured recipes or featured posts on the slider.

Zylyz is a special fab series wordpress theme from web2feel.com. This is a recipe/Food blog theme. Theme is packed with features that can power a recipe site on wordpress. This uses features like custom post type, custom taxonomies, custom metabox etc. The recipe posts are specially crafted to display the contents in a user friendly way. The theme also supports regular blog feature.

The home page of the theme holds a nivo slider which can be customized. From the options page you can choose to display either featured recipes or featured posts on the slider.


  • Features
  • WordPress 3 ready
  • Food/recipe blog theme
  • Custom post type
  • Custom taxonomies
  • Custom metabox
  • Custom menus
  • Featured thumbnails
  • Customizable Nivo slider
  • Widgetized sidebar and footer
  • Banners ads
  • Theme options


I have included screencasts that will help you setup the recipe posts and orientate the different theme options available on this theme.