Adsenser is Adsense ready theme, easily adjustable via theme options. There are few ads positions (listed bellow), that can be turned on and off. Theme is compatibile with all major browsers.
1. color of links and H2 post title link – #1B538B
2. color of text – #595959
3. body background – #ecf5ff
4. background of container – #FFFFFF
1. Position in the header on the right side (468×60)
2. Position in the top menu – link unit (728×15)
3. Position after post title (468×60)
4. Position after post (468×60)
5. Position in the first right block for 120×600
6. Position on single page in post (336×280, 300×250, 160×600, 120×600.. you can use all formats that are less than 500px)
Please note, that all positions cant be used at once, only 5 positions at the same time. Choose them on your own.
If you have multiple posts on page, theme will show ads only on the first post!