AWSM is clean and simple, but still full featured WordPress theme, perfect for creative people, freelancers or agencies. Demonstrate your work, projects and skills, offer your services, highlight stories from your career and write something nice on your blog.
Present yourself to the world in an appealing and professional way with responsive design, stylish CSS3 and jQuery animations.
This theme is highly customizable with powerful theme options panel and many custom features. Also, AWSM theme is coded with SEO in mind, as well as for fast loading performance and security.
Check out some nice features which come with AWSM theme!
Quick switch between one-page and standard layout
You can use one-page layout which means your pages will scroll to its content, or you can use standard menu navigation which means that every page will open as a separate page on your website. Or you can even combine these two and all that won’t affect any of your website content! Just a quick navigation setup and AWSM takes care for the rest.
Powerful theme options
AWSM theme provides many options in admin panel with which you can easily manage your websitestyle and functionality. Unlimited colors and fonts!
You can easily manage your page content and elements with provided shortcodes. Split you content intocolumns, add special project links and buttons, or show your skills and offer your services. You can also use any shortcode inside WordPress Text Widget!
Custom post types
AWSM theme provides two custom post types. Present your work with portfolio custom post type or point out some important stories from your career as a timeline overview with career custom post type.
Page templates
You can choose from 10 page templates with different style and functionality! This theme also supports any other common WordPress template such as archives, categories, tags, search…
AWSM provides 4 different page templates for your blog. Timeline template is also included!
Custom widgets
Apart from standard WordPress widgets, thise theme provides 3 additional custom widgets. Slide your portfolio items in sidebar, highlight your career overview or add social links and icons to connect with some nice people.
Contact form with anti-spam captcha
Contact page and options are also provided. You can use our built in contact form functionality for easy setup or you can leave it and use most powerful contact form WordPress plugin – Contact Form 7, which is fully supported by AWSM theme.
Translation ready
This theme comes with .po and .mo files included, translatable to any language.
Full documentation
Complete documentation and setup guide is included in the theme package. There is an online documentation available as well, frequently updated.