\\D-light is a multi-purpose, creative one page website. With our amazing content builder you can change the pages in no time and easily create / modify the website as you see fit. Try it out, you will not be disappointed. \\



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All images used in the preview are only for demo purposes and not included with the theme package. All the images are copyrighted and licensed to their respective authors and owners.


Change log

Update: 22.04.2014
+ Frontend Builder 2.1 - included contact form shortcode - included creative post slider shortcode - fixed "Open in WP Editor" not displaying content properly - fixed video loop control on row video background - fixed image repeat control on row image background - fixed issues with add shortcode pop-up not displaying sometimes - fixed some pricing table responsive bugs - fixed number control interface bug - fixed visual bugs on testimonials shortcode - addressed the issue of google fonts not loading in some rare cases - fixed class and ID controls not showing in some shortcodes - fixed some accordion animation glitches - add shortcode button now reappears when the last item in the row is deleted - fixed shortcode popup not appearing on add shortcode after page load - fixed search shortcode visual bug - added custom width and height controls for image shortcode - added some fixes to address the problem of html structure of the page breaking when there's invalid html structure inside text/html field - added excerpt length control to the featured post shortcode - optimized for WordPress 3.8.2 - multiple minor interface tweaks - multiple minor performance improvements - new media uploader + Frontend Builder 2.0.1 - Fixed background problems in chrome - Fixed tinyMCE z-index problems - Fixed add new shrotcode button - Fixed shortcode opacity problems + DLight 1.1 - SMOF update 1.5.1 - new media uploader - fixed responsive issues - fixed contact form responsivness - fixed video controls / new controls added - fixed portfolio pagination - fixed portfolio fail to open the proper height - fixed scrolling on main menu click - fixed demo content - fixed broken content when Frontend Builder is not installed - added scroll to section on load - code optimization 
Update: 1.04.2014
+ Fixed one click demo install