EZ Commerce is Responsive, shop theme build for WooCommerce 2.0+ and WordPress. The theme includes everything you need to start your online store right away.
Create a Landing page
The theme can be used as either a normal E-commerce site or as a landing page.By using it as a landing page the menu and top product search is deactivated.
Call to Action Widgets
Bundled are 3 call to action widgets. On to show a single woocommerce product or to add a mailing list form and the final one is to add a custom link.
Customize options
The theme comes with WordPress customize options panel. So now you can do your edit and see the results in real time
4 Homepage Layouts
Home has 4 layout options , 3 widgetized and one standard blog. Use the simple drag and drop widget system to control your homepage layout, giving you endless possibilities.
Post Formats
The blog entries has 6 different post formats to select from. They are:
- Standard
- Video
- Image
- Quote
- Audio
- Gallery
7 Color Schemes
Choose from 7 different Color Schemes for the site.
Other Features
Custom Typography
You can customize the typography in the theme to suit. The theme comes bundled with the following google fonts:
- Bree Serif
- Open Sans
- Bevan
- Pontano Sans
- Abril Fatface
- Average
- Playfair Display
- Muli
- Sansita One
- Kameron
- Istok Web
- Lora
- Pacifico
- Arimo
- Nixie One
- Ledger
- Cantata One
- Imprima
- Rancho
- Gudea
- Lobster
- Cabin
- Raleway
- Goudy Bookletter 1911
- Allerta
- Crimson Text
- Arvo
- PT Sans
- Allan
- Cardo
- Molengo
- Lekton
- Droid Serif
- Droid Sans
- Ubuntu
- Vollkorn
- Questrial
- Arimo
- Abel
- Ruda
Styling Options
The theme includes a variation of alternative styles which you can preview in the demo