Showcase Your Writing

Frontier’s minimalist, no-sidebar design puts all the emphasis on your writing, so you keep your readers’ attention from start to finish of each post. post

Grow Your Followers

Frontier uses the native WordPress customizer to make adding icons for all your social profiles easy. add-social-icons

Build Your Brand

Integration with the WordPress customizer also makes adding your site’s logo simple. add-logo

Offer a Better Mobile Experience

Mobile featured images decrease load times and increase the performance of your site. mobile-featured-image


Increase Pageviews and Search Rankings

Easily add related posts to every post to help build internal links and get visitors to read more content. related-posts

Build a Personal Brand

Frontier lets you add author-specific social profiles to build your personal brand and help guest authors grow their circles. author-social-icons

Additional Features:

All of the following features come out-of-the-box with Frontier.

Responsive Design

Frontier is a responsive WordPress theme.  This means it is device-agnostic and will look great on any screen width or browser.

Post Format Support

Frontier supports and displays all nine WordPress post formats beautifully.