- Clean, Modern, Multi-purpose!
- WordPress 3.9+ Tested and Approved!
- Built with HTML5 and CSS3
- Cross-Browser Compatibility: FireFox, Safari, Chrome, IE9, IE10, IE11
- Layout Features:
- Ten Homepage Layouts
- Five Header Styles
- Enable/Disable Multi-Functional User Panel
- Two Footer Styles
- Five Slider Styles
- Nine Blog Styles, including unique Tab Style from ThemeRex!
- Fifteen variants for 3 Portfolio Styles: Classic, Masonry & Grid
- Two styles for Portfolio Post
- Four styles for Blog Post
- Four awesome Hover Effects (is going to be enlarged)
- Pagination Styles: Pages Slide, Button, Load More, Infinite Scroll
- Fully Responsive Layout
- Enable/Disable Retina Option
- Parallax and Video Background
- Advanced User login panel
- Slider Options:
- Includes Swiper Slider
- Includes Royal Slider
- Includes FlexSlider
- Includes Revolution Slider
- Navigation Options:
- Three Menu Types: Upper Menu, Side Menu, Custom Panel
- Two styles for upper menu: line and block
- Unlimited capabilities of TRX Menu Configurator
- Custom Menu with four customizable sections
- Grecko Bookmarks Option
- TRX Framework:
- Unique Setting Inheritance and Override System
- Shortcode Builder
- Visual Composer
- Custom Theme Options Panel
- Media Content Manager
- …and many more!
- Raiting\Review Mechanism:
- Assign a set of rating criteria for each category
- Add author’s and users’ rating both simultaneously and individually
- Choose one of the three rating styles: five stars, 10 grades, or 100 %
- Assign level of permit for visitors to rate your review
- Translation Options:
- Localized: .po & .mo files included
- PO Composer: working with .po and .mo files has now become much easier!
- WPML plugin compatible
- ThemeRex Widgets Set:
- Flickr
- Popular Posts
- Recent Posts
- Recent Reviews
- Top 10
- Advertisement
- Logo
- Social Icons
- QR-cod
- Unique ThemeRex Shortcodes:
- Blogger
- Lense
- Content Slider
- Skills
- eMailer
- Timeline
- Scroller
- A lot of Shortcodes included: Accordion, Blogger, Button, Columns, Google Map, Hide, Highlight, Table, Team, Title, Tooltip, Section, Skills, Tabs, Testimonial, Toggle, and more …
- WooCommerce ready with full design integration
- Interactive Ajax Search mechanism
- SEO Ready:
- HTML code integrated into the theme meets the best SEO approaches
- The theme support compatibility with “All on One SEO Pack” & “SEO by Yoast”
- Save money with Included Plugins:
- Royal Slider – $23
- Revolution Slider – $19
- Visual Composer – $30
- PO Composer – $16
- WPML plugin – $79
- Optional Audio Effects with flexible settings for different groups of active elements
- Performance Optimization
- Two variants of icon display: Fontella Icon set and Images Icons
- Google web fonts
- Great Professional Support
- Documentation included
- Regular Updates
- And many more that we might have forgotten to mention…
All images/illustrations are for preview purposes only and are not included in the download files.
Sources and Credits
Fonts: Roboto, Exo2 (google fonts)
Icons: http://fontello.com/
Clipart: http://www.depositphotos.com
Change log
06.06.2014 Version 1.5 – Update
- Added: Minified versions for all .css and .js files (theme use minified version if you turn off "Debug mode" in Settings - ThemeREX Options - General) - Added: Instagram widget support - Added: User menu in website's header - Added: Settings for the line with contact information in website's header - Added: Adjustment of logo's position and size for website's header and footer - Added: Automatic identification of position of drop-down menus on narrow screens - Improved: Responsive for widgets in tabs on the top panel - Improved: Capacity of the theme's core
31.05.2014 Version 1.4 – Update
- Timer for demo of left and right panel is added - Compatibility with the new version of Visual Composer 4.2 is added - Shortcode 'blogger' now contains parameter date_style="F1+F2": where F1 ? F2 (date display format). E.g. if we want time at the top, and date below, it would be date_style="H:i+F d" + Similar is the news slider for pagination type full: e.g. date_style="H:i d.m"
29.05.2014 Version 1.3 – Update
- Menu placement in case of non-standard logo's size is fixed - Additional hovers functionality is improved - Plugin RoyalSlider detection is improved - Support of shortcodes in Popup Text Editor in Visual Composer is added - News Slider is added (News Style homepage)
28.05.2014 Version 1.2 – Update
- An option to customize header section added - Menu's placement manager added (right from the logo or left (under the logo) - Logo's placement manager added (in case when the logo is above the menu) - left, in the center, right
27.05.2014 Version 1.1 – Update
- Sound on menu, buttons and links hover was added - Behavior of pages and shortcodes with responsive is improved (including log-in form, pricing tables etc) - Lots of hover effects for portfolio is added
25.05.2014 Version 1.0 – Release